Consistory Court Office Act Book

HRO: 21M65/C1/29/1

f 21 (11 December)


Officium Domini contra Willelmum BartonReyonoldes⸣‸ de eadem

fidler for playing on the Sabaoth Day with his Crowde in open assemblie.

Quo Die Skynner certificauit vt prius./

Tunc comparuit dictus Reynoldes et allegat that he did plaie on the Saboth daie but not in the time of Divine service as he protesteth vnde Dominus monuit eum that hereafter he doe forbeare to plaie on the Saboth Daie ⸢at service tyme⸣‸ et monuit eum ad certificandum de prestacione omni supradicte monicionis in proxima visitacione.

  • Marginalia
    • visitacione
    • visitation
  • Footnotes
  • Record Translation

    f 21 (11 December)


    The office of the lord (judge) against William Barton Reynoldes of the same.


    On which day Skynner certified as previously.

    Then the said Reynoldes appeared and claims (English). Therefore the lord (judge) warned him (English), and he warned him to certify regarding the observance of all the abovesaid admonition at the next visitation.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Consistory Court Office Act Book
    Repository: HRO
    Shelfmark: 21M65/C1/29/1
    Repository location: Winchester

    The consistory court of Winchester diocese is well represented by records of its actions from the early sixteenth century. The extant office act books begin in 1521 and form the main record of the court's actions. This manuscript covers the period from October 1607 to August 1608 and contains detecta based on presentments made at the metropolitical visitation of Richard Bancroft (bap. 1544, d. 1610), archbishop of Canterbury (1604–10), and the subsequent correction proceedings.

    3 October 1607–6 August 1608; Latin and English; paper; i + 82 + iiii; 305mm x 200mm; original ink foliation; good condition; original parchment cover, title on front: 'Liber detectorum in visitacione metropo-litica Reverrendissimi Patris Domini Richardi providentia divina Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi &c tenta infra Diocesem Wintoniensis Anno Domini Millensimo Sexcentensimo Septimo,' and in later hand and darker ink: '1607,' and in square box: '75' (the diocesan registry mark, above which is '23' in a circle crossed out). The HRO shelfmark is in pencil at the right bottom.

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