Holy Trinity Guild Accounts

Wisbech and Fenland Museum: Guild of the Holy Trinity in Wisbech 1379–1547 & Corporation Records 1564–1566

p 28 (31 May–13 June) (For the principal day)


In primis ad exequias xiiij d. Ad diem principalem In vij modijs tritici ix s. iiij d. Item In v dussenis j kilderkin seruisie vij s. x d. ob. Item In xviij aucis ij s. iij d. Item auenis ij s. iiij d. Item In ouis viiij d. Item in xlii pullis gallinorum xl d. Item in turbis v d. Item in cirpis ad aulam j d. Item in molitura & pistura vj d. Item in carnibus vitulinis ij s. vj d. ob. Item in carnibus ouinis iiij s. v d. ob. Item in lacte & crem x d. Item in j quarterio mellis v d. Item in speciebus ij s. iiij d. Item in sale & aceto ij d. In stipendio coci xvj d. In squylers & turners viij d. In butiro ij d. In focalibus iiij d. Item in mynstrallo xij d. In locione mapparum ij d.


  • Record Translation

    p 28 (31 May–13 June) (For the principal day)


    First for the obsequies, 14d; for the principal day on seven bushels of wheat, 9s 4d; likewise on five dozen (and) one kilderkin of ale, 7s 10 1/2d; likewise on eighteen geese, 2s 3d; likewise oats, 2s 4d; likewise on eggs, 8d; likewise on 42 chicken pullets, 40d; likewise on pieces of peat, 5d; likewise on rushes for the hall, 1d; likewise on milling and baking, 6d; likewise on veal, 2s 6 1/2d; likewise on mutton, 4s 5 1/2d; likewise on milk and cream, 10d; likewise on one quart of honey, 5d; likewise on spices, 2s 4d; likewise on salt and vinegar, 2d; on the cook's stipend, 16d; on squillers and turners, 8d; on butter 2d; on fuel, 4d; likewise on the minstrel, 12d; on washing the tablecloths (or other cloths), 2d.


  • Glossed Terms
    • cirpus, -i n m var of scirpus [DML]; sirpus
  • Endnote

    The accounts record payments for the guild dinner, 31 May 1461.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Holy Trinity Guild Accounts
    Repository: Wisbech and Fenland Museum
    Shelfmark: Guild of the Holy Trinity in Wisbech 1379–1547 & Corporation Records 1564–1566
    Repository location: Wisbech

    The guild of the Holy Trinity of Wisbech was one of three guilds with a presence in the village of Leverington; the other two were the guilds of St Mary and of St John. Holy Trinity was the largest and most important of the guilds, with a consistent membership of fifty-six to sixty-seven members, both men and women; it first appears in accounts in 1379, but entries there indicate it had existed for some time prior (VCH: Cambridgeshire, vol 4, pp 186–97, British History Online, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol4/pp186-197). Holy Trinity was incorporated in 1453; after its dissolution in 1566, the guild's estates were taken over by the Corporation and thus preserved (VCH: Cambridgeshire, vol 4, pp 255-6, British History Online, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol4/pp255-256). Records of the guildhall begin in 1423, but it is likely that it was in existence before then; its site cannot be definitively identified (VCH: Cambridgeshire, vol 4, pp 255–6, British History Online, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol4/pp255-256). As Frederic Gardiner observes, 'the Trinity Guild is believed to have met in a primitive building, with thatched roof, supposed to have stood on the site of the present Grammar School, but its locality is not known with certainty' (Frederic John Gardiner, History of Wisbech and Neighbourhood, During the Fifty Years – 1848–1898 (London, 1898), 90–1).

    1379–1547, 1564–6; Latin and English; paper; iv + 139 + i; 414 mm x 301 mm; 18th-c. pagination; leaves extensively reconstructed, mounted into paper frames with some gauze reinforcement; late 18th-c. marbled paper binding with leather spine and front label and corner reinforcements, title on spine: 'Guld of Holy Trinity Wisbech 1379 – Annis Multis Intermissis – 1547, Records of the Corporation 1564 – 1566.'

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