Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/15

f 54


Thomam Oliuer Presentatur for daunsinge in prayers time on the Saboth daye, and when the Offycers gaue him warninge thereof the sayed Thomas Oliuer made a tushe at the same in scorninge maner, the man is very euill geauen in daunceinge amongst mens and servantes and Children at vnlawfull tymes xvto Aprilis 1594 Dominus viz. Mr Bery duxit predictum Oliver diligenter perquisitum latitantem et non inuentum preconizatum et non comparentem citandum fore vijs et modis in septimum diem Augusti proximum °Quo die executo predicto decreto Olecorne certificauit se executum fuisse et esse eundem per affixionem eiusdem super ostium domus habitacionis predicti Oliveri vbi universaliter &c. vnde facta fide &c. factaque preconizatione predicto Oliuer non comparenti &c. dominus viz. Mr Doctor Legge pronunciauit eum contumacem et in penam &c. huiusmodi eum ab ingressus Ecclesie suspendit s<.> Emanauit et nono Martij 1595 fuit absolutus et dominus iniunxit ei confessionem et monuit eum ad peragendum eadem in Ecclesia ibidem et certifandum inde xxj Iulij proximo
  • Marginalia
    • °non inventus vijs et modis.°
    • °<.....> ostium domus°
    • °suspensus°
    • est absolutus proratus
    • °confessus°
    • not found; by ways and means
    • <.....> door of the house
    • (he is) suspended
    • He is confirmed absolved
    • He confessed
  • Footnotes
    • 1594: underlined
    • 1595: underlined
  • Record Translation

    f 54


    (Against) Thomas Oliuer He is presented (English) The lord (judge), namely Mr Bery, determined that the aforesaid Oliver, who, having been diligently sought while hiding, was not found, and having been summoned, has not appeared, is to be cited by ways and means on 7 August next. On which day, after the decree had been executed, Olecorne certified that it had been executed, and that it was done by the affixing of the same to the door of the house of the habitation of the aforesaid Oliver where (it could be seen) by all, etc. Wherefore, an oath having been taken, etc, and the summons made, since the aforesaid Oliver did not appear, etc, the lord (judge), namely Mr Doctor Legge pronounced him contumacious and in punishment, etc, of this kind suspended him from entering the church. (A writ) has been issued, and on 9 March 1595 he was absolved and lord (judge) enjoined him to confession and admonished him to perform the same in the church there and to certify thereto on 21 July next.
  • Endnote

    No record of the month and day of this session has survived.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/15
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1593–1600; Latin and English; paper; 180 + x; 307mm x 200mm; contemporary foliation (quarter sheet pinned to f 12v, 194mm x 115mm); good condition (f 8 is torn in half lengthwise); contemporary vellum binding, reading (in 18th- or 19th-c. hand): 'Liber Actorum | ex Officio | a 1593 ad 1600 | O 2 | 1593,' 'Pro decanato Wisbech' in an earlier hand, parchment label on spine: 'O2.'

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