Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/11

f 173v–4v (8 October)


Willelmum Lyght
de Ickleton
non inventus
Notatur for daunceinge the morrice vpon trinitie Sondaye and the Sondaye sevenight before midsomer in servis tyme. Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicti comparuit dictus Light et negauit articulum informatum esse verum vnde dominus monuit eum ad interessendum proxime ad audiendum domini vlterior voluntatem. et statim dictus Light confessus est that he did then daunce but he was at divine service, et sic dominus cum pia admonicione dimisit./
Iohannem Goddin
non inventum
debit 17 d.
Presentatur pro causa predicta pro die Domino vocato trinitie Sondaye Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus Goddin et similiter actum est vt supra. et dominus monuit eum ad solvendum ffeodum dimissusxvto Octobris predicto quo die non comparuit dominus expectauit eum in xxijum Octobris quo die non comparuit dominus expectauit eum in xxixum die Octobris predicto
Willelmum West
non inventus
debit 17 d.
paid 12 d.
Presentatur pro causa contra Light. Quibus &c. Septimo die Octobris predicto coram Magistro Willelmo Revell &c. comparuit dictus West et quia est puer dominus cum pia admonicione eum dimisit./
Iohannem Chapman
de Ickleton
non inventus
proxime debit 17 d.
paid 12 d.
Presentatur pro causa contra Light. Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus Chapman et similiter actum vt supra contra dictum Light.
Iohannem Loughts
non inventus
debit 17 d.
paid 12 d.
Notatur for pipeinge or playeinge before the morrice dauncers vpon trinitie Sondaye, and twoe Sondayes before mydsomer daye laste, beinge then absent from his parishe Churche from divine service. Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus Loughts et similiter actum est in hac causa prout contra Light.
Shelford magna./
Iohannem Ienings Iunior
non inventus
vijs et modis
debit 17 d. et 2 s. 4 d.
2o paid 12 d.
Presentatur for daunceinge the morrice vpon the Sabbothe daye a sevenight next before midsomer next last. Quibus Octauo die Octobris predicto quo die dominus duxit eundem Ienings diligenter perquisitum Latitantem et non inventum nec comparentem Citandum fore vijs et modis in xvtum Octobris predicto quo die exhibito dicto decreto comparuit dictus Ienings quem dominus cum pia admonicione dimisit./
Iohannem Mordon
non inventus
debit 17 d.
paid 12 d.
Notatur pro causa predicta Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus mordon et similiter actum est vt supra contra Light
Richardum Cowper
non inventus
debit 17 d.
paid 12 d.
Notatur for the like cause vpon Sondaye next before midsomer daye last Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus Cooper et confessus est that he did daunce the morris at vpon the Sabbothe daye at Ickleton & that he hard divine servis there. vnde dominus monuit eum ad probandam allegacionem predictam proxime et actum vt supra contra Light./ |
Robertum walker
non inventus
debit 17 d.
Notatur for daunceinge the morrice vpon Sondaye next before midsomer last Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus walker et confessus est that he then daunced the morrice but he was then was at divine servis. vnde dominus cum pia admonicione dimisit
Robertum Hinton
non inventus
proxime vijs et modis
paid 7 d.
prolincke<.> it./
Notatur pro causa predicta Quibus &c. Octauo die Octobris predicto quo die dominus duxit dictum Hinton diligenter perquisitum latitantem et non inventum nec comparentem citandum fore vijs et modis in xvtum Octobris predictum quo die ex certis causis eum dimisit./
Robertum Hodgkin
non inventus
debit 17 d.
paid 12 d.
Notatur pro causa consimili Quibus Octauo die Octobris predicto comparuit dictus Hodgkin et actum est vt supra contra walker.


  • Marginalia
    • proxime
    • °debit 17 d.°
    • °paid 12 d.°
    • on the next (court day)
    • °he owes 17d°
    • °paid 12d°
  • Footnotes
    • trinitie Sondaye: 30 May
    • Sondaye … midsomer: Sunday does not fall exactly a week before 24 June in 1591; either 20 or 13 June
    • predicto: dominus expectauit eum likely omitted
    • twoe Sondayes … laste: probably 13 June only, but perhaps 13 and 20 June
    • 2o: ie, 2 October (?)
    • Sabbothe … last: Sunday does not fall exactly a week before 24 June in 1591; either 20 or 13 June
    • predicto: dominus expectauit eum possibly omitted here
    • quo die: for deletion
    • Sondaye … last: 20 June
    • vt: v written over another letter
    • Sondaye … last: 20 June
    • prolincke<.> it: meaning of this expression is unclear
  • Record Translation

    f 173v–4v (8 October)

    (Against) William Lyght
    of Ickleton
    not found
    He is reported (English) On which (day) and at which (place) On 8 October aforesaid the said Light appeared and he denied that the article informed (against him) was true. Wherefore the lord (judge) admonished him to be present at the next (session) to hear the lord (judge's) further intention, and immediately the said Light confessed (English) and so the lord judge dismissed him with a solemn warning.
    (Against) John Goddin
    not found
    on the next (court day)
    he owes 17 d.
    A presentment is made for the aforesaid cause for the Sunday called Trinity Sunday On which (day) and at which (place) On 8 October aforesaid the said Goddin appeared, and proceedings were similar to the above. And the lord (judge) advised him to pay the fine. He was dismissed. The lord (judge) expected him on 15 October, on which day he did not appear. The lord (judge) expected him on 22 October, on which day he did not appear. The lord (judge) expected him on 29 October aforesaid.
    (Against) William West
    not found
    at the next
    he owes 17d
    paid 12d
    He is presented for (the same) cause (as) against Light. On which (day) and at which (place) On 7 October aforesaid the said West appeared before Master William Revell, etc, and, because he is a boy, the lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning./
    (Against) John Chapman
    of Ickleton
    not found
    on the next (court day). He owes 17d.
    paid 12.d
    He is presented for (the same) cause (as) against Light. On which (day) and at which (place) On 8 October aforesaid the said Chapman appeared and proceedings were the same (as those) above against Light.
    (Against) Iohn Loughts
    not found
    on the next (court day)
    he owes 17d
    paid 12d
    He is reported (English) On which (day) and at which (place) On 8 October aforesaid the said Loughts appeared and proceedings were similar in this case as against Light.
    Great Shelford./
    (Against) John Jenings, the younger
    not found
    on the next (court day)
    by ways and means
    he owes 17d and 2s 4d
    2nd (ie, of October) paid 12d
    He is presented (English) On which (day) and at which (place) On 8 October aforesaid (the lord judge awaited him). On which day, he determined that the same Jenings, who having been diligently sought was hiding, and was not found, and did not appear, was to be cited by ways and means on 15 October aforesaid. On which day, with the aforesaid decree shown, the said Jenings appeared and the lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning./
    (Against) John Mordon
    not found
    on the next (court day)
    he owes 17d
    paid 12d
    He is reported for the aforesaid cause On which (day) and at which (place) On 8 October aforesaid the said Mordon appeared and proceedings were the same as (those) above against Light.
    (Against) Richard Cowper
    not found
    on the next (court day)
    he owes 17d
    paid 12d
    He is reported (English) On which (day) and in which (place), etc On 8 October aforesaid the said Cooper appeared and he confessed (English) Wherefore, the lord (judge) admonished to prove the aforesaid claim on the next (court day) and proceedings were done as above against Light. / |
    (Against) Robert Walker
    not found
    He is dead
    He owes 17d
    He is reported (English) On which (day) and in which (place), etc On 8 October aforesaid, the said Walker appeared and confessed (English) Wherefore the lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning.
    (Against) Robert Hinton
    Not found
    On the next (court day) by ways and means
    paid 17d
    prolincke<.> it
    He is reported for the aforesaid cause. On which (day) and in which (place), etc on 8 October aforesaid. On which day the lord (judge) determined that the said Hinton, having been diligently sought hiding and not found, should be cited by ways and means on 15 October aforesaid. On which day, he dismissed him for certain reasons./
    (Against) Robert Hodgkin
    not found
    on the next (court day)
    he owes 17d
    paid 12d
    He is reported for the same cause On which (day) and in which (place) the said Hodgkin appeared and proceedings were done as above against Walker.


  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/11
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1590–1; Latin and English; paper; 222 + iv; 285mm x 195mm; contemporary ink foliation; contemporary binding in parchment with 3 leather and twine binding patches on spine, cover writing worn and stained, but 'liber ... visitacons' visible, also in later writing '1590.'

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