Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR D/2/9c

f 188v (6 March)


Officium Domini contra Richardum Cobbe (ye minstrell) de eadem predictam

notatur yat he was absent from service the xxth & xxvijth of maye last, & coulde alledge noe iuste cause of excuse./ Decretum est pro eo vijs et modis in hunc die./ Quibus &c. Exhibito decreto huiusmodi &c factaque preconizacione comparuit dictus Cobbe, et obiecto ei articulo allegauit That one of those dayes he was furthe at a brydall in Marshland In presentia gardianorum sic affirmantium, deinde dominus pro absencia sua alterius diei iniunxit ei ad solvendum ciste pauperum ibidem xij d., et ad certificandum inde proxima Curia apud wisbiche tenenda / viz. 24to Iulij proximo/ Quo die dominus pronunciauit eum citatum preconizatum et non comparentem contumacem &c. et eum excomunicauit prout in schedula./ Emanauit./ Et immediate comparuit dictus Cobbe et exhibuit certificacionem absolventem de solucione eo predicto xij d., Et sic dominus eum ab officio suo dimisit./


  • Footnotes
  • Record Translation

    f 188v (6 March


    The office of the lord (judge) against Richard Cobbe, the minstrel, of the same aforesaid (Leverington).

    It is reported (English) It was ordered on that account (that he was to summon) by ways and means on this day. On which (day) and in which (place), etc, when the decree of this kind had been shown, etc, and the summons made, the said Cobbe appeared and, when he was charged with the article, claimed (English). Thereafter, the lord (judge) for his absence on the second day in the presence of the churchwardens so affirming, enjoined him to pay 12d to the poor box there, and to certify regarding that matter at the next court to be held at Wisbech, viz, on 24 July next. On which day, the lord (judge) pronounced him, having been cited, summoned and having not appeared, contumacious, etc, and excommunicated him as in the schedule. (A writ of excommunication) has been issued, and immediately the said Cobbe appeared and showed a certificate absolving him from that aforesaid payment of 12d, and so the lord (judge) dismissed him from his court.


  • Endnote

    Although the record does not indicate the nature of Cobbe's involvement at the bride ale, he may have played at the event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR D/2/9c
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1572–77; Latin and English; paper; i + 209, divided into 4 separate quires; 402mm x 211mm; modern foliation; extensive damage throughout, with corners and edges of pages worn or eaten away, some worm damage (almost all leaves have been japanned in modern restoration); unbound, each quire wrapped in green oilcloth cover and boxed together.

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