St Mary's Churchwardens' Accounts

Cambridgeshire Archives: L95/14(6)

f 8v (16 October) (Memorandum)

Memorandum that I Robert Mylsent Esquire haue receyved synce my last accompt made the xxvjth of Septembre 1582o at which tyme remayned in my handes iiij d. for maryagȝ in the townehowse of this persons following viz. of Rycherd Salmon ij s. of Thomas Tosty ij s./ of Burman for players xij d./ of Iohn mershe ij s./ of Iohn Elzing ij s./ of christofer marten xx d./ of Iohn Iell ijs . of George Bocher ij s. of Robert Glascock ij s. / of Iohn Cornell ij s./ of christofer frank ij s. of William Huphupper xij d./ The Whole sumes whereof coometh to xxijs ./...

  • Marginalia
    • xvjo Octobris 1584o & xxiiijth yeere of Queene Elizabeth &c
  • Endnote

    The guildhall, known as the Townhouse after the 1530s, following the suppression of the guilds of Our Lady, St Lawrence, and Trinity, was used for parish functions (VCH: Cambridgeshire, vol 6, pp 80–105, British History Online,, accessed 15 September 2021; see the Introduction, 'Performance Traditions: Playing Places, Linton Townhouse,' for further details).

    The Mylsents were a prominent family in Linton and included William Mylsent, who in 1527 founded the Linton almshouses (VCH: Cambridgeshire, vol 2, pp 291–2, British History Online, https://www.british-, accessed 11 March 2022).

  • Document Description

    Record title: St Mary's Churchwardens' Accounts
    Repository: Cambridgeshire Archives
    Shelfmark: L95/14(6)
    Repository location: Ely

    The St Mary's churchwardens' accounts, collected and given by Robert Milsent ('ex dono Roberti Milsent generosi datus 14o die Julij Anno Domini 1577') are found in a minute book in the W.M. Palmer Collection. This comprises primarily the Linton churchwardens' accounts, but also includes copies of leases of the Guildhall, Linton, by Pembroke Hall (to John Mylsent of Linton and others for ninety-nine years, 26 March 1564, and to Robert Pitches and others for forty years, 25 March 1656), memos of audits of various accounts, mainly churchwardens' and constables,' from 14 July 1577, memos of charitable gifts and bequests, memos of distributions of revenue from charitable endowments, and memos of briefs, 1680–92. The records are fairly continuous from c 1590–1692, with a few records dating to 1710. For the earliest entries (1577–c88) the accounting year appears to follow a Michaelmas format, with rents covering 29 September–28 September, and accounts being rendered in late September or early October (as seen on f 5v). From the 1590s onward the entries become more erratic, with no clear systematic entry of accounts, and no detailed entry of monies in and out; however, between 1588 and 1592 the entries are dated in mid-November.

    1577–1710; English; paper; 167 leaves (3 leaves cut out); 300 x 210mm; modern pencil foliation, blank leaves left unfoliated but counted: 1–51, 53, 53–8, 95–6, 155–62; good condition; original parchment binding.

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