f 40 (28 June) (Players' certificate)
Henry Smith Doctor of Diuinitie, and vicechancellor of the vniuersity of Cambridge, to all whom theise presents shall come to be seene greeting.
Whereas the bearers hereof Iohn Browne, and William Tawyer, and the rest of their company belonginge vnto the vniuersitie Wayts, all Inhabitants within the Towne of Cambridge, hauinge especiall occasions to trauell into the Country, and for their more free passage in regard the times are dangerous, and all men are wary of giuinge Entertaynment vnto Strangers without Certificate, I doe therfore hereby certifie and assure all persons Whatsoeuer that the said Iohn Browne, William Tawyer and the rest of their company, and the Vniuersity and Towne of Cambridge, and the Liberties of the same are (god be praysed) free from the Infection of the plague or any suspicon of the same, so that yow may without any danger giue them Lodging & entertaynment befitting their Conditions, In witnes Whereof I haue sette my hand & seale the xxviijth day Iune Anno Domini 1638
John Browne (d. aft. 1670) was master of the town and university waits from 1628; William Tawyer (d. 1640) was one of Browne's subordinates, alongside Edward Ketcham and William Pike (d. 1630) (Nelson, Cambridge, vol 2, pp 738–745, esp 741–2).
Record title: Legal Formulary
Shelfmark: EDR F/5/38
Repository location: Cambridge
This is a copy book of legal canonical formulæ collected from the Ely Consistory Court, archdeaconries of Sudbury and Ely, and the vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge (Owen, Ely Records, p 31). As Gibbons describes it, '[t]his is really a sort of Precedent or Commonplace Book in which original documents have apparently been bound up to save the trouble of copying them. One of the pages is in fact endorsed "Bookes and presedentes founde in Alson's (?) Box Julij 29, 1640"' (Ely Episcopal Records, p 127).
1602–40; Latin and English; paper; i + 139; 287mm x 195mm; contemporary foliation; modern paper binding with spine of contemporary parchment reading 'Precedents, acts of court &c.'