John North's Private Accounts

Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193

f 54 (9 February)

sta mattina donaua alla scola di ballare in Holburn xij s.


f 55v (15 March)


il Signor fratello sen'andò in uilla alle commedie di Cantabrigia.

f 56v (23 March)


Il Signor Cardel' comminciò di insegnarmi a ballare


f 59v (2 May) (Woolpit, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)

Di Wolpit , a Berri 6. miglia, & iui comp<.>raua corde da liuto costandomi xvj d.


f 60v (20 May) (London)


Nell' acconciatura d'un liuto uecchio iiij s.


f 61 (29 May) (London)


Donaua a Sherman, e a Rouland ballatori vj s. vj d.

f 62v (11 June)


Odoardo seruiti del seruitor conte dis<..> m'insegnaua a ballare


f 63 (22 June)


In musica alla casa della contessa di Worcester ij s. vj d.


f 64v (15 July)


E a Gionson per hauer messo il liuto in ordine con corde 5 s.


f 66v (28 August)


Sta mattina feci una collatione nella scola di ballar la qual mi costò 9 s.


f 67v (7 September)


Donaua dipòi disinare nella scola di ballare ij s. vj d/


(10 September) (Cambridge)


pagaua sta sera per musica alla in segna di meza luna ij s. vj d.


f 71 (6 November)


Compraua un’liuto uecchio di sconvelt iij li


f 72 (11 November)


In corde da liuto\ xviij d.


f 72v (16 November)


In 4 libri di canta ij s. vj d.


f 74 (14 December)


Hoggi si marito il Signor Sturton gentilluomo con la figlia della signora Stafford la grande e alta

Io mi mascheraua sta sera e ne pagaua xx s.


  • Footnotes
    • Wolpit: Woolpit, Suffolk
    • Berri: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
    • canta: for cantare (?)
    • gentilluomo: mo written above the line in the same hand due to lack of space at the right edge of the leaf
    • Woolpit: Woolpit, Suffolk
  • Record Translation

    f 54 (9 February)

    This morning I gave to the dancing school in Holborn xij s.


    f 55v (15 March)


    My lord brother went to the town for the plays (or comedies) of Cambridge.

    f 56v (23 March)


    Master Cardel began to teach me to dance.


    f 59 (1 May) (In Ipswich, Norfolk)


    I gave to the inns in Ipswich where I played tennis (or a ball-game) 12d


    f 59v (2 May) (Woolpit, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)


    From Woolpit to Bury 6 miles, and there I bought lute-strings, costing me 16d


    f 60v (20 May) (London)


    In the mending (or restringing) of an old lute 4s


    f 61 (29 May)


    I gave to Sherman, and to Rouland the dancers 6s 6d


    f 62v (11 June)


    Odoardo, the servant of my lord the earl <....> was teaching me to dance.


    f 63 (22 June)


    On music at the house of the Countess of Worcester 2s 6d


    f 64v (15 July)


    And to Johnson for making ready my lute with strings 5s

    f 66v (28 August)


    This morning I had breakfast at the dancing school, which cost me 9s


    f 67v (7 September)


    Afterwards I paid to dine at the dancing school 2s 6d


    (10 September) (Cambridge)


    I paid this evening for music at the sign of the half moon 2s 6d


    f 71 (6 November)


    I bought an old lute from Sconvelt £3


    f 72 (11 November)


    On lute-strings 18d


    f 72v (16 November)


    On four singing books 2s 6d


    f 74 (14 December)


    Today Mr Sturton gentleman was married to the daughter of Mistress Stafford, the great tall one.

    I masked this evening and I paid for it 20s


  • Endnote

    'My lord brother' (f 55v) is Henry North (1556–1620), MP for Cambridge and Cambridgeshire, 1584 and 1597 (HPO, accessed 28 September 2021; see also the Introduction, 'Historical Background: Cambridgeshire Families').

    '[T]he town' (f 55v) is probably Cambridge: North uses the word 'villa,' which implies a smaller settlement than a city. North recorded his brother's arrival in London on 23 February (f 53).

    'Cardel' (f 56v) may be Thomas Cardell, as Gallagher suggests ('Italian London,' p 103). Cardell was an accomplished lutenist who was appointed a court lutenist in 1578. He also served as Elizabeth I’s dancing master from 1574 until her death, and then served as a groom of the Privy Chamber to Queen Anne, 1604–19 (Matthew Spring, The Lute in Britain: A History of the Instrument and Its Music (Oxford, 2001), 103, 107).

    As here (f 61v) North also paid Rouland for dancing lessons in February 1577(f 28).

    The countess of Worcester, at whose house North paid 2s 6d for music on 22 June 1578, would have been Christiana North (b. 1533), the daughter of Edward North, first Baron North, and thus John North’s paternal aunt. Christiana was the wife of William Somerset, third earl of Worcester (1526/7–89), though the couple were estranged from 1563 (W.R.B. Robinson, ‘Somerset, William, third earl of Worcester (1526/27-1589)’, ODNB, accessed 1 September 2022). North spent 16d on wine at the same occasion (f 63).

    'Gionsono,' first mentioned on 26 February 1577/8 (f 29v), is probably an Italianized version of ‘Johnson,' and possibly an early reference to the lutenist John Johnson (d. 1594), who was appointed a court lutenist in 1580 (Charles Edward McGuire and Jan W.J. Burgers (rev), 'Johnson, John (i),’ GMO, accessed 30 August 2021; Matthew Spring, The Lute in Britain: A History of the Instrument and Its Music (Oxford, 2001), 103, 107; Gallagher, ‘Italian London,' p 103). North records payments to Johnson for lute lessons and for repairs to his lutes from February 1577/8 and subsequently through the year.

    The 'sign of the half moon' (f 67) is probably an inn called the Half Moon, apparently in Cambridge, whence North had travelled on the morning of 9 September.

    'Mr Sturton' (f 74) is Edward Stourton (or Stowrton), of St Martin's-in-the-Fields (admitted to Gray's Inn June 1573), who was given license to marry 'Mary Stafforde, spinster, of the same' on 12 December 1579, and is not Edward Stourton (b. c 1555–1633), tenth Baron Stourton (Joseph Foster, The Register of Admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521–1889 (London, 1889), p 45; CP, vol 7, p 255). North’s description ‘the great tall one’ (‘la grande e alta’) could either refer to Mary Stafford herself, or possibly to her mother, Mistress Stafford; in either case probably to the woman’s physical appearance.

  • Document Description

    Record title: John North's Private Accounts
    Repository: Bodl.
    Shelfmark: MS. Add. C. 193
    Repository location: Oxford

    Sir John North (c 1550–97) was the son of Roger North (1531–1600), second Baron North, and Winifred Rich (d. 1578), daughter of Richard Rich (1496/7–1567), first Baron Rich, and widow of Sir Henry Dudley. From 1562 North was instructed at Peterhouse and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge, by John Whitgift, master of Trinity College (from 1567), taking his MA in May 1572. Subsequently John was admitted to Gray's Inn and in October 1575 he travelled to Italy to finish his education, staying there until November 1577. On his trip to Italy, John spent time in the Netherlands and the Palatine, meeting there veterans of the Dutch revolt; in the spring of 1577/8, North left England again for the Low Countries, this time to fight with the Dutch as a gentleman volunteer, and stayed until 1580. On 13 November 1581 John married Dorothy (née Dale, 1560–1618), the only daughter of Dr Valentine Dale (c 1520–89), civil lawyer, resident ambassador in Paris, 15 April 1573–October 1576, dean of Wells and canon residentiary, 8 January 1574–89, and master of Requests (possibly by 1564, but definitely from 1576–89), and Elizabeth Forth (d. 1590), daughter of Dr Robert Forth (d. 1595). John and Dorothy resided at Kirtling Hall, the manor where George North wrote his 'A Brief Discourse of Rebellion and Rebels' (see the Introduction, 'Historical Background: Cambridgeshire Families'). John and Dorothy had four sons, Dudley North (bap. 1582, d. 1666), third Baron North, Sir John North, KB, Roger North, the navigator, and Gilbert, and two daughters, Elizabeth, who married William Horsey, son of Sir Jerome Horsey, and Mary, who married Sir Francis Coningsby of South Mimms, Hertfordshire. John returned to the Netherlands in February 1581/2 under Robert Dudley (1532–88), fourteenth earl of Leicester – and godfather to John's eldest son Dudley – to accompany the Duc d'Anjou for his installation as governor general. There, he famously quarrelled with Sir John Norris [Norreys], colonel-general of the English forces, refusing to accept Norris's command. He remained there until the spring of 1583/4, when he returned to England to serve as MP for Cambridgeshire in the parliaments of 1584, 1586, and 1588. He returned to the Netherlands a third time in 1587, travelled to Ireland in 1595, and finally to the Low Countries in 1597, where he died 5 June. Dorothy remarried in 1604 (Michael Hicks, 'Dale, Valentine (c 1520–1589), civil lawyer and diplomat,' ODNB, accessed 28 September 2021); John S. Nolan, Sir John Norreys and the Elizabethan Military World (Exeter, 1997), pp 51–3; HPO, accessed 28 September 2021; D.J.B. Trim, 'North, Sir John (c 1550–1597), soldier and traveller,' ODNB, accessed 28 September 2021).

    The following records are drawn from John North's private accounts, which also include Lady North's travel accounts (ff 16v–23v) and John's trip journal. He reached Mantua on 3 November 1575 (f 11v), at which point the accounts are interrupted by a description of what he found there. The accounts resume on f 13v, with other material mixed in, to f 16. Folio 16v begins a new hand and includes accounts dated 1588 (mostly foodstuffs). On f 20 is there is a notation that on 'viijth of April Mr Northe went into Suffolk.' This hand ends on f 23, dated October 1589. A third hand then begins f 24 in Italian, dated 1577.

    Recognition and gratitude are owed to Dr Emily Mayne for her systematic check of these records, including her translations from the Italian and her contributions to the research in the footnotes and endnotes.

    1577–89; English and Italian; paper: ii + 93; 255mm x 90mm; contemporary ink foliation; contemporary vellum binding, 2 leather tabs on spine, title on spine in later writing, 'Ms Bodl Add C 193.'

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