Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: B/2/30

f 71v–2


Maria Goodenoughe. Notatur for abuseing of hir selfe vpon the saboth day, by dancing the morris very vncomly from Witcham to Coveney./

Et .19.o decembris 1610 exhibita Citacione per Willelmum Olcorne Apparitorem &c. perquisita fuit dicta Goodenough sed non inventa que preconizata comparuit negat cum pia monicione &c. dimittitur. |

Iohanna vxor Edwardi Malyn. Notatur pro consimili causa./ Et .19. o decembris .1610. exhibita Citacione originali per Willelmum Olcorne Apparitorem &c. perquisita fuit dicta Malyn sed non inventa que preconizata comparuit negat cum pia monicione &c dimittitur/


  • Marginalia
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  • Footnotes
    • 1610: underlined
  • Record Translation

    f 71v–2


    Mary Goodenoughe is reported (English)

    And on 19 December 1610, with the citation shown by William Olcorne, apparitor, etc, the said Goodenough was sought out but she was not found. She was summoned; she appeared; she denied (the charge). She is dismissed with a solemn warning, etc. |

    Joan, wife of Edward Malyn, is reported for like cause. And on 19 December 1610, with the citation shown by William Olcorne, apparitor, etc, the said Goodnenough was sought out but she was not found. She was summoned; she appeared; she denied (the charge). She is dismissed with a solemn warning, etc. ...

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: B/2/30
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1609–10; Latin and English; paper; 79 leaves; 307mm x 195mm; modern foliation (note 201mm x 65mm pinned to f 2, f 1 has part of the top torn away); bound together by parchment spine, no cover, spine reads 'Z1.'

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