f 29v (March)
Henricus Blithe Tipler./ Presentatur for sufferinge suche persones beinge strangers as vse vnsemely talke, and filthye songes, him selfe beinge in presence, to drincke in his house vppon the Sabbothe dayes, & other hollyedayes./ Et .21. Iunij 1609. exhibita citacione originali per Willelmum Olcorne Apparitorem citatur qui preconizatus comparuit fatetur confessionem coram ministro et Gardianis ibidem. et ad certificandum inde proxime/ et satisfactus cum pia monicione &c. dominus eum dimisit./
f 29v (March)
Henry Blithe, tippler, is presented (English) And on 21 June 1609 is cited, with the original citation being shown by William Olcorne, apparitor. And he (Blithe), having been summoned, appears, makes confession before the minster and wardens there, and is to certify thereafter at the next (session). And being satisfied, the lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning, etc.
Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
Shelfmark: B/2/30
Repository location: Cambridge
1609–10; Latin and English; paper; 79 leaves; 307mm x 195mm; modern foliation (note 201mm x 65mm pinned to f 2, f 1 has part of the top torn away); bound together by parchment spine, no cover, spine reads 'Z1.'