f 142v (19 June)
Robertus Gonne. Presentatur for that he hath given & for the most parte doth still give enterteinment to divers leawde & laciuious companye, whereby sundry abuses & misbehaviors are committed in our Hamlett, to the greate annoyance of divers of our neighbours. Et 19 Iunij 1606. exhibita Citacione originali per Willelmum Olecorne Apparitorem citatur preconizatus non comparuit Suspensus Emanauit.
Et .14. Augusti 1606. comparuit absolutus &c tactis &c et obiecto ei articulo non negauit & confessio publice in ecclesia sine lodice et ad certificandum inde proxima / Emanauit
Et 16 decembris 1606 dictus Robertus Gunne preconizatus comparuit exhibuit certificacionem et dimmititur
Iohanna vxor Roberti Gonne predicti. Presentatur for that she hath made & doth exercise the makeinge of libellous & lascivious ballads by diuers of her neighbours. Et 19. Iunij 1606. exhibita Citacione originali per Willelmum Olecorne Apparitorem perquisita non inventa preconizata inventa vijs et modis &c in proxima/ Emanauit
Et 14. Augusti 1606 / exhibito
predicto decreto per Willelmum Olecorne
Apparitorem citatur
preconizata comparuit
negat et causa per dominum
examinata et audita dominus cum pia
monicione eam dimisit./
f 142v (19 June)
Robert Gonne. A presentment is made (English) And on 19 June 1606, with the original citation having been shown by William Olecorn, apparitor, he is cited. Having been summoned, he did not appear. He was suspended. (A writ of suspension) has been issued.
And on 14 August 1606 he appeared; he was absolved, etc, having taken a corporal oath, etc, and when he was charged with the article he did not deny it and confession (was enjoined) in public in the church without the (penitential) sheet and to certify thereafter at the next (court day). (A writ) has been issued.
And on 16 December 1606 the said Robert Gunne, having been summoned, appeared; he exhibited the certificate and he is dismissed.
Joan, the wife of the aforesaid Robert Gonne. A presentment is made (English) And on 19 June 1606, with the original citation having been shown by William Olecorne, apparitor, she was sought; she was not found. Having been summoned she was found by ways and means, etc, on the next (court day). (A writ) has been issued.
And on 14 August 1606, with the
aforesaid order shown by William Olecorne, apparitor, she is cited. Having been summoned she appeared she denied. And when the case
had been examined and heard by the lord (judge), the lord (judge) dismissed her with
a solemn warning.
Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
Shelfmark: EDR B/2/24
Repository location: Cambridge
1606–8; Latin and English; paper; ii + 165; 306mm x 201mm; modern foliation (four notes approximately 100mm x 70mm pinned to f iv, two notes approximately 70mm x 140mm, pinned to f 39v, full sheet and a half sheet added loose between ff 58 and 59, note, 990mm x 144mm, pinned to f 136v); good condition; parchment binding, torn on centre top front, front reads: 'Ely Decanatus | 1606 | 1607,' paper label on spine: 'X.'