f 151 (13 August)
Henricus Brigges, Notatur that he did prophane & abuse the sabboth day by daunceing of the morrice from towne to towne and so to wilberton feaste, aswell in service tyme as otherwise to the high displeaseinge of Almightie God and the offence of manye. Emanauit Citacione pro dicto Briggs in xiijtium Decembris 1604. Et xiijo decembris 1604 predicto exhibita Citacio predicta per Willelmum Olecorne Apparitorem, Comparuit idem Briggs, quem dominus cum pia monicione dimisit./
Iohannes Coateman. Notatur pro causa consimili. similiter actum est vt supra in Acte contra Henricum Briggs. viz. dimmittitur.
Thomas Hinkin. Notatur pro causa consimili. Similiter actum est contra eum vt supra in Acte contra Henricum Briggs, viz. dimmittitur.
Cuthbertus Eagle. Notatur pro causa consimili. Similiter actum est contra eum, vt supra in Acte contra Henricum Brigges, viz dimittitur.
Iohannes Lacy. Notatur pro causa consimili. Similiter actum est, contra eum vt supra contra Henricum Briggs, et dimmittitur./
Iohannes Ellys. Notatur pro causa consimili. Similiter actum est contra eum, vt supra contra Henricum Brigges, et dimittitur./
Willelmus Axyr, Notatur pro causa consimili, Similiter actum est contra eum, vt supra contra Henricum Brigges, et dimittitur./
f 151 (13 August)
Henry Briggs. It is reported (English) A citation for the said Briggs was issued on 13 December 1604. And on 13 December 1604, when the aforesaid citation had been shown to the aforesaid (Briggs) by William Olecorne, apparitor, the same Briggs appeared and the lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning.
John Coateman is reported for the same cause. The proceedings were the same as above in the proceedings against Henry Briggs, that is, he is dismissed.
Thomas Hinkin is reported for the same cause. The proceedings were the same against him as above in the proceedings against Henry Briggs, that is, he is dismissed.
Cuthbertus Eagle is reported for the same cause. The proceedings were the same against him as above in the proceedings against Henry Briggs, that is, he is dismissed.
John Lacy is reported for the same cause. The proceedings were the same against him as above in the proceedings against Henry Briggs, and he is dismissed.
John Ellys is reported for the same cause. The proceedings were the same against him as above in the proceedings against Henry Briggs, and he is dismissed.
William Axyr is reported for the same cause. The proceedings were the same against him as above in the proceedings against Henry Briggs, and he is dismissed.
Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
Shelfmark: EDR B/2/21
Repository location: Cambridge
1600–6; Latin and English; paper; i + 194; 308mm x 205mm; contemporary foliation (separate letter 282mm x 171mm, whole leaf sewn to f 18v, note 64mm x 149mm pinned to f 44v); good condition, some worm damage from f 129; contemporary parchment binding, pen flourishes and drawing of insect on back, on front in later hand: 'Acta ex officio mero| a 1600 usque ad 1605,' in contemporary hand, 'Pro Decanato|' Eliensis| 1600,' spine has paper label: 'S.'