Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/18

f 238 (5 June)


Radulphum Cracknell °X° Presentatur for Dauncinge of the Morrice Vppon Sonday the first Daye of Maye in the morninge and eveninge prayer Emanauit Citacio contra eum in hos. Quibus &c. °comparuit dictus Cracknell at obiecto ei articulo predicto ffassus est eundem esse verum Vnde dominus Confessionem ei inunxit faciendam coram Ministro et Gardianis dicte Ecclesie et ad certificandum inde in proxime. Dimittitur°

f 238v

Christopherum Keyne Pro consimili Quibus &c. similiter ei decretum est sicut in actum Cracknell
Thomam Barker pro consimili & similiter decretum est vt supra in actum Cracknell


f 253

Ralphe Cracknell
Christophor Kenien
Thomas Barker Iunior
for Daunceinge the Morrice vppon Sonday last jo Maij and were absent both morninge and eveninge prayer from Dyvine service.


  • Marginalia
    • °X°
    • °X°
  • Footnotes
    • Kenien: e written over another letter, possibly y
  • Record Translation

    f 238 (5 June)


    (Against) Ralph Cracknell °X° A presentment is made(English). A citation was issued against him regarding these (matters). On which (day) and in which (place), etc, the said Cracknell appeared, and when he was charged with the article, he confessed that the same was true. Wherefore the lord (judge) enjoined him to confession to be made before the minister and churchwardens of the said church, and to certify thereafter on the next (court day). He is dismissed.

    f 238v

    (Against) Christopher Keyne For the same. On which (day) and in which (place), etc. It was ordered likewise as it was in the proceedings (against) Cracknell.
    (Against) Thomas Barker For the same and it was ordered likewise as it was above in the proceedings (against) Cracknell.


  • Endnote

    Folio 253 contains the clerk's notes to himself concerning the previous entry.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/18
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1600–3; Latin and English; paper; i + 253; 291mm x 194mm; modern foliation (followed here), contemporary foliation runs to f 303, but contains many gaps in numbering; good condition except for ff i and 253, which are torn and folded; no cover, parchment binding strip reading 'r,' presently kept in brown paper envelope.

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