Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/18

f 116v (29 January)


Annam Petigall.
non inventam
vijs et modis
executa super ostium domus
super ostium s<.>l<.>t<.> citacionem
suspensa Emanauit
sic presentatur./ There is one Nan Petigall vehemently suspected for an incontinent liuer, who did goe vpon a time immodestly in mans Apparrell, and is harbored by one goodman Bankes. Emanauit citacio contra eam in 29 Ianuarij Quo die

f 117v


°allegauit that she is his Neice, & that she hath all wayes brought her vp. & that hee knoweth not any ill by her. cum admonicione dimittitur°
⸢Presentaturfor harbouring Nan Petigall aforesaid


f 142v (23 April)

alias suspensa
absoluta feodo proxime
mans apparell
& fornication

fatetur vestes
negat fornicacionem
4a et
decreuit pro

debet pro absololucione
4 s. 6 d.
Alicia Pettingale, ‸⸢Restat suspensa et⸣ presentatur ffor yat she did (vpon a time) goe verie immodestly in mans apparell,/ And vehemently suspected for an incontinent liver, & is harboured by one goodman Bankys./ Quibus &c. (prestito iuramento &c. tactis &c., per eandem Aliciam &c. de parochiale &c.) dominus eandem absolvit &c./ Et deinde (quo ad vestes viriles &c.), fassa est articulum / Et (quo ad incontinenciam predictum) negauit./ vnde dominus assignauit ei ad purgandum &c. 4a manu honestarum vicinarum suarum (ac se 5a&c.) in proximo, et ad tunc vlterius audiendum (quoad delictum predictum in vtendo vestibus virilibus &c. eodem diem/ Et dominus decrevit pro obiecturis causam purgacioni predicte in eundem diem./


f 144 (30 April)


Alicia Pettingale de eadem
debit pro feodum absolutionis. 4 s. 6 d.
°penitencia ad certificandum in proximo°
fassa penitencia./
Habet ad purgandum 4a manu (et se 5.a) honestarum vicinarum suarum &c. istis &c. et ad vlterius audiendum quo ad delictum suum in vestibus virilibus Quibus &c. vtendo &c., alias per eam confessatum &c./ Quibus &c., comparuit dicta Alicia Pettingall °quo die comparuit dicta Pettingal et fassa articulum esse verum vnde dominus ad iniunxit ei confessionem publice in ecclesia parochiali de Babraham. <..> et ad certificandum de peractione &c. in proximo:/ Emanauit/ Certificatio aucthenticationis./ dimittitur/ debit feodum viz. pro absolutione 4 s. 6 d. et pro dimissione 17 d./ expectatur°
Ioan Buninges
pro An Naber
°non <..> vllum
pro consimili causa/ ad certificandum in proximo similiter vt supra/ .7. maij .1602. certificatio de peracta penitencia/ Dimittitur/ debit pro dimissione 17 d./ expectatur


  • Footnotes
    • she: for he
    • Alicia: for Anne (?)
    • quoad … diem: closing parenthesis missing (?)
    • eadem: ie, Babraham
    • An Naber: written over erased letters
  • Record Translation

    f 116v (29 January)


    Anne Petigall.
    not found
    by ways and means
    executed on the doors of (her) house
    on the doors <...> citation
    (A writ of) suspension was issued
    Thus a presentment is made (English) A citation against her was issued on 29 January. On which day

    f 117v


    he alleges (English). He is dismissed with a warning
    ⸢A presentment is made⸣ (English)


    f 142v (23 April)

    suspended elsewhere
    She (will be) absolved with a fine at the next (court day)
    man's apparel
    and fornication
    She confesses the apparel
    She denies the fornication
    four (compurgators) and
    (the lord judge) issued an order for those going to object (to the compurgation)

    (she) owes 4s 6d for absolution.
    Alice Pettingale, ‸⸢remains suspended and⸣ a presentment is made (English) On which (day) and in which (place), etc, having sworn an oath, etc, (the holy gospels having been) touched, etc, by the same Alice, etc, of the parish, etc, the lord (judge) absolved the same (Alice), etc, And thereafter, with respect to the men's clothing, etc, she confessed that the article (was true); and with respect to the aforesaid incontinence, she denied (that the article was true). Wherefore the lord (judge) specified that she should clear herself, etc, by the hand of four of her honest neighbours, with herself as the fifth, at the next (court day), and at that time to hear regarding the aforesaid offence of the wearing men's clothing, etc, on the same day. And the lord (judge) issued an order for those going to object to the aforesaid compurgation (to appear) on the same day.


    f 144 (30 April)


    Alice Pettingale of the same (village)
    She owes for a fee of absolution 4s 6d
    she has confessed
    penance; to certify on the next (court day)
    she has confessed; penance.
    She has to clear herself by the hand of four of her honest neighbours, with herself as the fifth, etc, by those, etc, and further to hear regarding her offence of wearing men's clothing On which (day) and in which (place), etc, confessed by her elsewhere, etc, On which (day) and in which (place), etc, the said Alice Pettingale appeared on which day the said Pettingale appeared and she confessed the article to be true, wherefore the lord (judge) enjoined her to confess publicly in the parish church of Babraham, and to certify regarding the completion, etc, on the next (court day). A certificate of authentication has been issued. She is dismissed. She owes the fine, namely, for absolution, 4s 6d, and for dismissal, 17 d. (Payment) is awaited
    Ioan Buninges
    for A neighbor

    °not <..> any
    She has been suspended°
    For the same cause, to certify on the next (court day), likewise as above. 7 May 1602. Certification regarding the completed penance. She is dismissed. She owes 17d for the dismissal. (Payment) is awaited.


  • Endnote

    The 30 April session (f 144) indicates the next session will be held 7 May.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/18
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1600–3; Latin and English; paper; i + 253; 291mm x 194mm; modern foliation (followed here), contemporary foliation runs to f 303, but contains many gaps in numbering; good condition except for ff i and 253, which are torn and folded; no cover, parchment binding strip reading 'r,' presently kept in brown paper envelope.

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