Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/17

f 150 (4 April)

Iohanna Bigges
.142. expectata
Ad certificandum de peraccione penitentie confessionis monita est istis, &c., Quibus, &c., preconizata non comparuit Dominus expectauit eam in proximo viz. xjum Diem Aprilis proximum Quo die preconizata non comparuit Dominus pronuncauit eam contumacem et in penam &c. ab ingressu Ecclesie suspensio Emanauit


  • Record Translation

    f 150 (4 April)

    Joan Bigges
    142 She was awaited
    She was suspended
    She was admonished to certify as regards the performance of penance of confession on those (days), etc. On which (days) etc, having been summoned she did not appear. The lord (judge) awaited her on the next (court day), that is, on the next 11 April. On which day, having been summoned she did not appear. The lord (judge) pronounced her contumacious and as punishment, etc, a suspension of entry into the church was issued.


  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/17
    Repository location: Cambridge

    Visitations under the jurisdiction of the archbishop of Canterbury were held when the see was vacant, especially during the long vacancy of 1581–1600 (Owen, Ely Records, p 64).

    1599–1600; Latin and English; paper; iii + 219 + ii; 205–292mm x 132–194mm; contemporary foliation (18th-c. tabs pasted to ff 1, 26, 35, 78, 84, 100, 155, 157, fragment of a printed note pinned to f 208v, half-sheet sewn onto f 209); good condition; contemporary parchment binding, title on cover: 'Visitatio Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis | 1599 | Sede Episcopali Eliensis | vacante/ | Negocia correctionum ante visitacionem predictam et | comperta in eadem visitatione,' later paper label on spine: 'Q.'

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