Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/17

f 142 (22 February)


Iohannam Bigges Presentatur Iohanne Biggs singlewoman for that lately she did weare mans apparell, and also in time of harvest laste in vilde manner turned vp her cloathes & shewed those partes that should be hidden, willinge the company to loke what a clocke it was if they had any skill of the Dyall. Emanauit citacio &c. in septimum diem Martij 1599. Quo die comparuit dicta Biggs cui Dominus inuinxit confessionem &c. et monuit eam ad peragendam eandem in Ecclesia ibidem lodice indutam prout in schedula et ad certificandum inde proximo viz. xiiijto die Martij proximo Quo die preconizata comparuit dicta Bigges quam Dominus monuit ad idem proxime viz. post festum Paschalis proximum./
  • Footnotes
    • Iohanne: for Iohanna
    • 1599: underlined
    • lodice: l poorly formed or written over another letter
  • Record Translation

    f 142 (22 February)


    (Against) Joan Bigges Joan Bigges, single woman, is presented (English). A citation was issued, etc, on 7 March 1599. On which day, the said Bigges appeared. The lord (judge) enjoined her to confession, etc, and advised her to perform the same in the church there, wearing a sheet, as in the schedule, and to certify regarding this at the next (court day) that is, on the next 14 March. On which day, having been summoned, the said Bigges appeared, and lord (judge) advised her to (do) the same at the next session after the next feast of Easter.
  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/17
    Repository location: Cambridge

    Visitations under the jurisdiction of the archbishop of Canterbury were held when the see was vacant, especially during the long vacancy of 1581–1600 (Owen, Ely Records, p 64).

    1599–1600; Latin and English; paper; iii + 219 + ii; 205–292mm x 132–194mm; contemporary foliation (18th-c. tabs pasted to ff 1, 26, 35, 78, 84, 100, 155, 157, fragment of a printed note pinned to f 208v, half-sheet sewn onto f 209); good condition; contemporary parchment binding, title on cover: 'Visitatio Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis | 1599 | Sede Episcopali Eliensis | vacante/ | Negocia correctionum ante visitacionem predictam et | comperta in eadem visitatione,' later paper label on spine: 'Q.'

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