f 76 (29 September–29 September) (Gifts and Rewards)
Datum inter Histrionibus in Festo Translationis Sancte Etheldrede virginis hoc anno 20 s.... Et diversis hominibus ludentibus coram Domino Priore ad duas vices hoc anno 7 s. 4 d....
f 76 (29 September–29 September) (Gifts and Rewards)
Given (to be distributed) among (or between) entertainers on the feast of the translation of St Ethelred the virgin this year, 20s... And to various men playing before the lord prior on two occasions this year 7s 4d...
Record title: Treasurer's Accounts (A)
Shelfmark: Additional 2957
Repository location: Cambridge
Nicholas West (d. 1533) was bishop of Ely from 1515 to 1533. Henry VIII placed him at Ely as a seeming reward for diplomatic services from 1502 to 1515. He served as bishop for eighteen years, the first decade of his episcopate marked by continued work within the government, including ambassadorial work in France and an attendance at the Field of the Cloth of Gold. West was also closely involved in addressing heterodoxy at the University of Cambridge – most notably in an excommunication of the University Senate for opposing his jurisdictional authority in the late 1520s – a result perhaps of earlier confrontations with Hugh Latimer, whose Lutheran sympathies led him to preach against the worldliness of prelates. His position as chaplain to Katherine of Aragon drew him again into national events during the last years of his life. West was one of only three bishops to give assent to the submission of the clergy in May 1532; nonetheless, Katherine's retirement from London to his house in Hatfield indicates their continued close relationship. An inventory at his death revealed a library of approximately 250 volumes, and over 5000 ounces of silver and silver gilt, 'more than ... either the monasteries of Ely or Ramsey surrendered at the dissolution' (Felicity Heal, 'West, Nicholas (d. 1533), bishop of Ely and diplomat,' ODNB, accessed 9 September 2021).
The manuscript contains copies of miscellaneous excerpts to do with the diocese of Ely, not entered in chronological order.
1785; Latin and English; paper; iii + 185; 204mm x 163mm; contemporary ink foliation with modern pencil corrections; bound together in contemporary binding which has now lost its spine, title on first fly-leaf: 'Notitia Ecclesiæ Eliensis | sive | Collectanea quædam de Rebus | Ecclesiæ Eliensis | Tam de Libris Impressis quam MSS. | Vol. 14.'