sig Cii (Additions to the Injunctions)
ITem bicause the Saboth day is so fondly abused in going vnto Fayers and visiting of frendes, and acquaintances, and in feasting and making of good chere, in wanton dawnsing, in lewd maygames sometyme continuing riotously with Piping all whole nightes in barnes and such odde places, both younge men and women out of their fathers and masters howses, I charge all my parishes, within my Dioces, and charge the Churchwardens, Sidemen, and ministers to see that no such disorders be kept vpon the Sabaoth day, commonly called the sundayes, as they will aunswere vppon their othe.
Record title: Bishop Richard Cox's Injunctions
Publication: STC
Publication number: 10194.7
Richard Cox (c 1500–81) was bishop of Ely from 1559 to 1581. Elizabeth placed him at Ely, where he served twenty-one years, a foe to Roman Catholics and Puritans alike (Felicity Heal, 'Cox, Richard (c. 1500–1581),' ODNB, accessed 17 August 2021).
¶ ARTICLES MI-| nistred by the Reuerend| Father in God, Richard by| Gods proudence, Byshop of| Elye, to the Churchwardens| and Inquirers, of euery seuerall| Parish within his Dioces, at| his visitation holden and| kept. Anno. 1579.| AT LONDON| Printed by Iohn Daye, dewl-| lyng ouer Aldergate.| ¶ Cum gratia & Priuilegio,| Regiæ Maiestatis. STC: 10194.7.