single sheet (6 January; probated 7 January)
In the name of God amen. I Phillipp
Henslowe of the parrishe of St Saviours in the Burrough of Sowthwarke and Countie of Surrey Esquiere, being sicke in bodie but of
perfecte mynd and memory, thanckes be vnto Almightie God doe
make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in forme following
Videlicet ffirst and principally I Commend my Soule vnto
Almightie god hopeing to be saued by thonly merites of my Lord and Saviour
Iesus Christ and my body to be buryed in the parish Church of St Saviours aforesaid at the
discrecion of my Executrix and Overseers herevnder named; And touching
the disposicion of such Landes and goods as it hath pleased god to blesse
me with all my Will and meaninge is as followeth. ffirst I giue and bequeath vnto
Agnes Henslowe my loving wife,
all and singuler my Landes Tenementes
hereditamentes and Leases whatsoever, To haue and to hould to
her the said Agnes for during the terme of her naturall life and no noe
longer, And after her decease I giue and bequeath all that my messuage or
Tenemente with thappurtenances and the
Tenementes therevnto belonging Commonlie Called or
knowen by the name of the Bores hed scituate on the Banckeside in the parrishe aforesaid, which I purchased of one devonishe Raymod gentleman vnto
Ann Henslow alias
Parson now wife of William Parson
and vnto her Heires for ever. Alsoe I giue and bequeath (after the decease of my
said wife) vnto Phillipp
Henslow my godsonn sonn of Iohn Henslow
waterman, all those my landes and
Tenementes with thappurtenances
which I purchased of one Throckmorton being scituate in the parrishe aforesaid, To haue and to hould
vnto the said Phillipp Henslowe and to his Heires for ever, Item I giue and bequeath
(after the decease of my said wife) vnto my loving Sister Marie Walters alias Adlington, all those my Landes and
Tenementes with thappurtenances
which I purchased of one Mr Mvnson scituate on the Banckeside in the parrishe aforesaid, To haue and
to hould the same and every part and parcell thereof for and
durin<......> Terme of
her naturall life, And after the decease of the said Mary my sister my Will and
meaninge tis, that a<..>
and singuler the premisses last recited and bequeathed, shall come and
descend vnto my said godsonn Phillip Henslowe an<.> to his Heires for ever.
Item I giue and bequeath (after the decease of my said wife) vnto my loving brother
Henslow<.> and his Assignes.
all that my messuage mansion house and lease called the Beare garden with all the
Tenementes and appurtenances therevnto
belonginge, which I hould and enioye by vertue of a Lease from the Lord Bishopp of Wintonia. Item I giue and bequeath vnto
my loving sister Margarett Cuxon one
yearlie annuytie or somme of thirtie poundes duringe her naturall life, to
be paied vnto her quarterlie by my Executrix or her Assignes by even
porciones. the first paymente to beginn at the next quarter daye
after my decease, Item I giue and bequeathe vnto fortie poore men of the Libertie of
the Clyncke, to eache a moorninge
gowne, to attend my bodie to buriall; I giue and bequeath vnto mr Iames Archer fortie shillings to
preach at my funerall; All the rest and residue of all and singuler my goods,
chattells, debtes readie money plate and househouldstuffe not before given
or bequeathed, I giue and bequeathe vnto my lovinge wife Agnes Henslowe whome I make
and ordaine sole Executrix of this my last Will, And I appointe my lovinge Sonn Mr
Edward Alleyn Esquire
Mr Robert Bromfeild Mr William Austen and Mr Roger Cole to be my Overseers, And
my Will and meaninge is and hereby I order and devise, that if any ambiguytie dowbt
or question arise or growe Concerninge any Clause matter or Legacie herein
mencioned or bequeathed that the same shalbe heard and determined by my
said Overseers or the greater part of them, and that if any such person causinge
suche dowbt or question shall refuse to be ordered as aforesaid and to abide the
Award and Censure of my said Overseers as aforesaid, then and in that case everie
such person shall loose all benefitt whatsover of and by this my Will, and his or
theire Legacie or Legacies to be vtterlie voyde as if none such had bynn by me
bequeathed, and given. And then and in that case I giue and bequeath all such
guifte, Legacie or bequest of any such person soe refusinge vnto my said sonn Edward
Alleyn and vnto his Heires for ever, And I doe vtterlie revoake, frustrate and make
voyde by theise presentes all other former Wills Will
or Willes, legacies, bequestes or guiftes. Executor or
Executors in wrightinge or otherwise, and I will that this onlie shall stand for my
last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I haue herevnto sett my hand
and seale the sixt daye of Ianuarie Anno domini stilo Anglie .1615.
Signum dicti Phillippi
Henslowe. Sealed and subscribed in the presence of Iames
Archer, Robert Bromfyld, Roger Cole, Robert Meare, Edward Alleyn, Nicholas Sheppard.
[Footnote: Philippi … armigeri: 'of Phillip Henlsow, esquire'; underwritten with a notarial knot]
James Archer had been chosen as minister of St Saviour's on 21 March 1613/14; see Nelson and Ingram, Parish of St Saviour.
Roger Cole was a notary; he also served as a vestryman and churchwarden of St Saviour's and was the bishop of Winchester's registrar. See Nelson and Ingram, Parish of St Saviour, LMA: P92/SAV/450, pp 394, 399, 405; Rendle, 'Philip Henslowe', p 153; and TNA: C 24/431/48.
William Austen was the son of Lady Joyce Clark. She had a long friendship with Alleyn, as did her son. See, for example, Warner, Catalogue, pp 142-143, 165, 170, 173, 179, 193, 333-4.
Robert Bromfield served as vestryman and churchwarden at St Saviour's, as did Henslowe and Alleyn; see Nelson and Ingram, Parish of St Saviour. He was connected by marriage to William Austen; see Nelson and Ingram, Parish of St Saviour. He was involved with Alleyn's playing company, the Lord Admiral's Men, from 1601; see Honigman and Brock, Playhouse Wills, p 104. He is presumably the 'Mr Bromfeild' named in Henslowe's diary and other Henslowe records several times; see Foakes, Henslowe's Diary, pp 177, 182, 208, 296-298. By 1616 he is cited as an examiner in the Star Chamber; see Appendix 4: I. f, and the deposition of James Archer in TNA C 24/431/48, ff 2, 8, 21. In 1618 he was among those appointed by letters patent from James I in 1618 to determine the boundaries of the Unicorn and other disputed properties in St Saviour's parish; see Appendix 4: V. e. By 1621 he had become an MP; see HPO.
The property bought from Throckmorton (Throgmorton) by Henslowe and bequeathed to his nephew Philip was that of the Great Pike Garden, which he had acquired from Sarah and Henry Throgmorton on 1 June 1609. Sarah was the daughter of John Gibbons and the Gibbons family had held the Pike Garden since around 1563. The Munson (Munsey) rents bequeathed to his sister Mary had also once been in the possession of the Gibbons family before passing to Munson in 1584-5 and then to Henslowe in 1606-7 (TNA: C 2/JasI/H23/63); see also Greg, Henslowe's Diary, vol 2, p 31, Braines, Globe Playhouse, pp 88-90.
Record title: Will of Philip Henslowe
Shelfmark: PROB 10/327
Repository location: Kew
Philip Henslowe died on 6 January 1615/16, the same day that his will was sealed and witnessed. As was not uncommon at this date, this is not the original will but a copy made at the time of probate, the original will having been returned to the executor by the court. Thus there is included a note of the collation by notary public Richard Hulet, and Thomas Taylor. The original probate clause is also subscribed. The registered copy of the will is at TNA: PROB 11/127/14. No inventory of the will seems to have survived, but for a note of its exhibition see Honigmann and Brock, Playhouse Wills , p 103, citing TNA: PROB 8/16, f 106v.
January 1615/16; English; paper; single sheet, written 1 side only; 303mm x 390mm; opening phrase in large black letters; right edge ragged with 2 small tears, large jagged tear centre bottom but few letters damaged. Folded in 3 and stored in a large cardboard box with other wills from the period January-February 1615/16.