Exchequer Depositions on behalf of the Attorney General v. Bishop of Winchester, William Henslowe, and Jacob Meade

Surrey History Centre: LM/1154/2

ff 22–37 (23 October) (Joan Furlong's deposition)

Deposicions of witnesses to be examined ‸⸢taken⸣ vppon Interrogatories to them ministred on the parte and behalfe of his Maiestie Attorney generall Complainant against William Henslowe and Iacob Meade defendantes before Sir Edward Bromley knighte one of the Barrons of his Maiestes Courte of Exchequer/

Io Iohane ffurlonge wiefe of George furlonge of the Banckside in the county of Surrey waterman aged fifty eight yeares or thereaboutes sworne and examined | the three and twentieth day of October 1620 deposeth as followeth/

To the first Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth that she very well knew Phillip Hensloe esquire in the Interrogatory named by the space of five and twenty yeares before his decease/

To the second Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth that she knoweth Certayne tenementes to the number of tenne or thereaboutes and one little garden plot Called the greate Rose <.>on the Backside in the Countye of Surrey | and hath knowne the same for the space of fyve and fortye yeares which tenementes and garden are his Maiestes landes in righte of his Crowne of England But the Certayne or particuler boundes and lymettes of the seueral Tenementes and garden plott this deponent certaynly knoweth not./

To the third Interrogatory she is not required to answere./

To the fowerth Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth that she knoweth the landes on the Banckside aforesaide Called the kinges | Maiestes Landes which are holden by A Lease or demise therof made by the late Queene Elizabeth to Thomas Keyes and Isabell his wiefe. And sayeth that the said Landes called the greate Rose are parcell of the said landes Called the kinges Landes all which this deponent hath knowne for the space of fortye fyve yeares./

To the fifte and sixte Interrogatory she is not required to answere be examined

To the seaventh Interrogatory she this | deponent sayeth that she knoweth that one David Watson did holde one of the Tenementes Called the Kinges landes as vndertennaunt of the saide Thomas Keyes And he the said Davyd Watson and after his decease his wiefe did paye nyne poundes per Annum to the said Thomas Keyes which said Rent of nyne poundes this deponent knew payed by the said David Watson And after his decease by his wiefe for the space of ffyve and twentye | yeares she this deponent dwellinge in the howse with the said David Watson And after his decease with his wiefe for all the said space And hath dwelt in the same tenemente ever since the decease of the same David Watson and his wiefe/

To the eighte Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth that she knoweth a parcell of land or garden grounde heretofore vsed by Pope and Bvrnabye for A dogge yarde which said dogge yard is | parcell of the kinges landes which said dogge yarde is bounded with mayde lane on the one side And with the Pege garden on the other side And on the other side with St ⸢°Mildredes°⸣ Marie Overie Church yard ⸢Landes.⸣ on the other side righte north/

To the nynth Interrogatory she this deponent saieth that there are now standinge vppon the grounde Called the dogge yard the buildinges videlicet twoe beare howses one Bull howse one loft to put in haye And A starch howse all | which are in the occupacion of Iacob Meade And were all heretofore built by the said Phillippe Henslow deceased

To the tenth Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth, that all the land vppon which the hope play howse now standeth is the kinges Maiesties land And hath byne soe taken and reputed for the space of fyve and ffortye yeares to this deponentes k knowledge./

To the eleaventh Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth that all the landes from | or beyonde the hope play howse Southward to mayde lane are reputed and taken to be the kinges lands and haue soe byne reputed for the space of fortye fyve yeares/

To the twelveth Interrogatory she this deponent sayeth that she knoweth the seuerall howses on the Banckside which Burgis Tyton Tayler Adyson Spencer Garland Rockett Derrey Reignoldes and Williamson did holde of the sayde Thomas Keyes and Is Izabell and that the same were ever for the space of | fforty fyve yeares reputed to be his Maiesties Landes./

(23 October) (Ruth Munday's deposition)

Ruthe Munday of the parish of St Marie overies Southwarke widowe aged aged ffortye eighte yeares or thereaboutes sworne and examined the three and twentieth daye of October 1620 deposeth as ffolloweth./

To the first second third fowerth fifte and sixte Interrogatory she this deponent is not required to be examined/

To the 7th Interrogatory this deponent sayeth that one david watson did hold one Tenement of Thomas Keyes and | Isabell his wiefe scituate on the Bankside and parsell of his Maiesties Land and paide nyne poundes per Annum for the same but how manie yeares hee helde yt this deponent knoweth not./

To the eight Interrogatory shee this deponent saith that shee hath knowen the parcell of grounde heretofore vsed by Pope And Bvrnaby for a Dogge yard to haue bin reputed parcell of his Maiesties Land for the space of ffortie yeares

To the nynth Interrogatorie this deponent saith that there are Certaine buildinges | erected and standinge vppon the dogge yard but by whom yt was built or in whose occupacion the said buyldinge now is this deponent knoweth not

To the Tenth Interrogatory this deponent saith that the Lande or grounde on which the hope play howse now standeth is his Maiesties Land and hath bin soe reputed for the space of fortie yeares and vpwardes to this deponentes knowledge./

To the Eleaventh Interrogatory this deponent sayth that all the Land from or behinde | the hope playhouse Southward to Mayde Lane is reputed to be his Maiestes Land and hath bin soe reputed for the space of fforty yeares and vpwardes And this deponent knoweth one Thomas Stone to whom this deponent was seruant fforty yeares agoe paide Rent to Thomas Keyes for the saide Land which Keyes had a graunte thereof from the Late Queene Elizabeth/

(24 January 1620/1) (Walter Heynes' deposition)

Walter Heynes of Kemberwell in the County of Surrey gentleman aged Twenty fowre yeares or thereaboutes sworne and examned the fowre and twentieth day of Ianuary 1620 deposeth as followeth

To the Last Interrogatory this deponent sayth that the writinge now shewed to this deponent at the tyme of his examinacion is a true Coppie extracted out of the Registry of the dane and Chapter of ⸢Winton⸣ Pinton of a lease granted by the Bishopp of Winchester of Certaine Landes Called the Cock and Bell lyinge on the Banckside in the County of Surrey which Coppie was examined with the Record at Winchester in the sight and ‸⸢presence⸣ of this deponent and agreeth with ye same Recorde|>

(29 January 1620/1) (Lionel Tichborne's deposition)

Lyonell Titchborne of Greyes Inne in the County of Middlesex gentleman aged fforty eighte yeares or thereaboutes sworne and examined the nyne and twentieth of Ianuary one thowsand six hundred and twentieth<..> deposeth as followethe/

To the last Interrogatory this deponent sayeth that the Coppie of the lease nowe shewed to this deponent att the time of this his examinacion ys A true Coppie of A Lease made in the nyne | and twentyeth yeare of Kinge Henrye the eighte And was examined by this deponent with the Record yt selfe remayninge in the Offyce of Augmentacion And agreeth with the same Record./

Examinata et concordata cum Originale

(signed) Edward Bromley

  • Marginalia
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5/6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 1/2/3/4/5/6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10.
    • 11
    • Here ends Ruthe Mundaye examinacion
    • 12

      [Footnote: 12: scribal error for 18]

  • Footnotes
    • Io: false start, not cancelled
    • <.>on: first letter erased and 'on' overwritten
    • Backside: for Banckside
    • knowne: 2 ink blots almost obscure the –e
    • A Lease … wiefe: TNA: LR 1/96, f 126, 8 April 1574
    • -ter: overwitten
    • Bvrnabye: v written over a
    • Pege: for Pike
    • Bvrnabye: a overwritten with v
    • examned: for examined, 1 minim omitted
    • 12: scribal error for 18
    • nyne and twentyeth … eighte: 1537–8
    • Examinata … Originale: 'examined and made to agree with the original'
  • Document Description

    Record title: Exchequer Depositions on behalf of the Attorney General v. Bishop of Winchester, William Henslowe, and Jacob Meade
    Repository: Surrey History Centre
    Shelfmark: LM/1154/2
    Repository location: Woking

    These four depositions are taken from copies of the interrogatories and depositions taken in the Exchequer in 1620 on behalf of plaintiff and defendants in the suit of the Attorney General (related by Edward Alleyn) v. the Bishop of Winchester William Henslowe and Jacob Meade; see Appendix 4: V.

    The copies are held by Surrey History Centre in its collection of the papers of the Mores and More Molyneux family of Loseley (SHC: 1154/1 and 1154/2). They differ only in minor spellings and phrasing from the documents held at the National Archives. SHC: 1154/2, however, contains the four depositions which do not appear in the National Archives record and are therefore included here.

    The depositions of Joan Furlong and Ruth Monday were taken on 23 October 1620. An order in the court on 15 November gave the counsel for the defendants a week to examine 'twoe witnesses' who had been examined by the prosecutors for the Crown before publication of all the depositions taken; see Appendix 4: V. g.

    The depositions of Walter Haynes and Lionel Tichbourne were taken on 24 and 29 January 1620/1. They appear here as witnesses to the authenticity and veracity of a copy of an original 1537-8 lease of the Bell and Cock granted by the bishop of Winchester. Details of the lease are not given. On 10 February, an order of the court of Exchequer allowed time for the bishop of Winchester to examine the two further witnesses; see Appendix 4: V. s.

    (undated); English; paper; 38 leaves; 415mm x 305mm; foliated in ink 1–37 in the same hand as the text; good condition; tied at the top, writing on rectos only except f 38 (recto blank) endorsed in a later hand: 'King| &| Bishop of Winchester | [bracketed together with] In Chancery | Old Papers of | Proceedings | and | other Papers, no | Ways usefull|, and in a contemporary hand: Interrogaty<...> gaynst ye bishopp of winchester | William Henslowe & Jacob Mead by barron bromly | [myad at ye dauncing | beares] | the Bankeside busenes aboute [William Henslow & Iacob Mead] | the kinges & the Bishopes landes howe they but & bound.' Interrogatories on behalf of the Attorney General ff 1–21; depositions on behalf of the Attorney General, ff 22–37.

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