ff 74v–5 (12 February)
In the matter of variaunce broughte before the Quenes Maiesties Counesaill of her honorable courte of Requestes At the sute of Edwarde Bowes esquier complaynaunte against Iohn Digges and Iohn Gape defendantes for, and concerninge the right intereste and title of in and to one Lease for terme of yeres of certaine capitall messuages or tenementes called the Barge the Bell and the Cock scituat lienge and beinge vpon the Bancke some tyme called the Stew<..> which saide messuages <...> nowe called the olde beare g<.....> or parishe garden <...> and Imployed for the kep<...> Bayghtinge of Be<...>lles and other beastes of or <...> the same or like g<...>s As also for and concernin<..> the staye of the defendauntes proceadinge at and by <...> order of the cou<...>wes againste one Will<...> Glover fforasmuche as it appeareth by the b<...> aunswere of the saide complaynaunte and defend<..>t That bothe parties do derive theire interestes <...> to the premisses from one Iohn Napton The which Napton as it is alledged on the parte of the complaynaunte dothe absent him selfe The saide defendauntes in his absence clayminge the premisses by a former graunte from him the saide Napton And therevpon do grounde and prosecute theire sute againste the said Glover at the Comon Lawes as aforesaide hopinge therevpon to obteyne the possession of the premisses, yt is therevpon by her maiestes Counsaill of the saide courte Ordered That the saide defendauntes shalbe at libertie to proceade at and by the order of the Comon Lawes againste the saide Glover for and towchinge the premisses And yet notwithstandinge it is ordered that neither the saide defendauntes nor either of them nor any other person or persons for them or in the name or names of them or either of them shall by vertue meanes or pretence of any verdicte Iudgment or execution | or vpon the saide action or sute against the saide Glover or other matter or Collour whatsoever enter in or to the premisses or any parte thereof or expel amove or putt out the saide complaynaunte his seruantes goodes or chattells of or from the premisses nor in anywise molest or interrupte the possession vsage or occupacion of the saide complaynaunt his seruantes tenauntes deputies and assignes or any of them of in from or concerninge the premisses or any of them vntill the saide cause & matter betwene the saide parties do vpon the proves and witnesses of bothe parties here to be produced receive full hearinge and further order in and by this Courte And anie Iniunction shalbe awarded to them and every of them for the performaunce of this Order./
Record title: Court of Requests: Order in the case of Bowes v. Digges and
Shelfmark: REQ 1/13
Repository location: Kew
This order in the court of Requests regarding the suit of Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape is dated immediately following the answer of Digges and Gape on 11 February 1583/4 to Bowes' bill of 30 January 1583/4; see Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. At this point, it is ordered that Bowes' tenure is not to be interrupted while witnesses are called and a verdict reached, even while Digges and Gape's case under the Common Law against Bowes' agent in the Bear Garden, William Glover, proceeds. Further orders, without significant detail, survive in the same manuscript. Sir Francis Walsingham's letter to the privy council on the subject has been tentatively dated 26 May 1584; see Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham to the Lords of the Privy Council.
11 November 1583–c 14 October 1584; English; paper; vii + 174 + v; 410 mm x 275 mm; modern pencil foliation 1–174; most folios damaged by damp with text faded or missing; bound in black cloth-covered boards with brown leather corners, front board detached and leather spine missing.