f 255v (16 January)
By the Maior./
Byvertue of letters from the righte honorable the Lordes of her
Maiesties most honorable prive Councell to me latlye dyrected/ Theise shalbe
in her highnes name streightly to charge & comaund yow that forthwith
yow take order that no manner of persone or persones
whatsoeuer inhabitinge or resiante within your said
warde do at any tyme or tymes herafter goe or
resorte to any playes
beare or bulbaytinges or wyne anye vnlaufull
games plaies pastimes or exercises vpon eny the saboth daies either within this Cittie or
within two milles of the same/ And that if any persone or
persones shall offende herin after warninge to him or them given that
then yow cause euerye suche offender to be forthwith comitted to
warde into one of the Compters of this Cittie theire to remaine vntill further order
shalbe taken touchinge their said offences/...
Record title: Mayor's Order v. Playgoing on the Sabbath
Shelfmark: COL/CC/01/01/022
Repository location: London
This order of the mayor preserved in Corporation of London Journal XXI was intended to restrict anyone in the city wards planning to visit the bearbaiting arena on Bankside, even though it lay beyond the direct reach of the city authorities.
1579–84; English; paper; iii (modern) + 455 + iii (modern); originally 280mm x 400mm; contemporary ink foliation 2-477 (first folio damaged, numbering A and B supplied for 2 folios numbered 127, numbering jumps from 159 to 180, no 222, 394 or 409, ff 349, 374 blank) occasionally supplemented by modern foliation (where MS damage led to loss of margins); repaired and remounted on modern sheets; bound in white vellum, ink title on spine: 'Woodroffe | to | Pullyson | JOR | 21 | 1579 | to | 1584.'