Southwark, Bear Garden 3, Early 17th Century

Bear Garden Advertisement

Dulwich College: MS II

f 86

Tomorrowe beinge Thursdaie shalbe seen at the Beargardin on the banckside a greate Mach plaid by the <.>amstirs of Essex who hath chalenged all comers what soeuer to plaie v dogges at the single beare for v pounds and also to wearie a bull dead at the stake and for your better content shall h<..>e plasant sport with the horse and ape <...> whiping of the bl<.>n<.> beare

Viuat Rex

  • Footnotes
    • <.>amstirs: letter lost due to MS fading; for gamstirs
    • h<..>e: letters lost due to MS fading; for haue
    • <...>: letters lost due to MS fading; for and (?)
    • bl<.>n<.>: letters lost due to MS fading: for blind (?)
  • Endnote

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Bear Garden Advertisement
    Repository: Dulwich College
    Shelfmark: MS II
    Repository location: Surrey

    A rare playbill from the period, this advertisment is written in a large hand, possibly an original. Its inclusion in the Henslowe-Alleyn archive at Dulwich College suggests that it comes from the period when one or both were operating the Bear Garden.

    For an image of the original manuscript, see the Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.

    undated; English; single sheet; paper; 245mm x 185mm; good condition. Foliated 86 in pencil by Warner; cited on p 83 of his Catalogue.

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