Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Books: General

TNA: LC 5/132

p 182 (17 April)


Haueing receiued order from the Lordships in regard of the great appearance & apprehension of the increase of the sicknesse to cause all stage playes & all other Assemblyes of sportes or pastimes to bee prohibited & suppressed, Theis are to pray & require you to take effectuall order that their Lordships Order therin bee duly obserued & put in execution by all those that are vnder your subordination. And for soe doeing Theis shall bee your warrant.

Aprill 17.1630.To sir H Herbert./

Memorandum the like <...> warraunt was sent to Gabriell Marssh for ye suppressing of bear & bull baitinges

  • Marginalia
    • A warrant for suppressing of stage playes &c.
  • Footnotes
    • 1630: underlined
  • Endnote

    For the order from the privy council, see Privy Council Order to the Lord Mayor and JPs for Middlesex and Surrey, 1630. On the plague of 1630 (not very serious), see F.P. Wilson, The Plague in Shakespeare's London (1927), 173.

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Books: General
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: LC 5/132
    Repository location: Kew

    The warrant sent to Sir Henry Herbert as master of the Revels was apparently duplicated for Gabriel Marsh, the master of the Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, appointed on 1 April 1622 to follow Edward Alleyn after his death; see TNA: C66/2279. Marsh held the office until 1635; following Marsh, Thomas Caldwell was appointed as master 26 February 1635/6; see TNA: C66/2684, mbs 15–16.

    1628–34; English; paper; i + 186 + i; 360mm x 220mm; paginated 1–356 from f 5v in contemporary hand followed by 6 unnumbered pages (original pagination followed here), also stamped modern foliation 1–186; mounted on guard sheets; original vellum binding on new cream-covered boards with leather tie, title on spine: '1628 to 1634.'

  • Manuscript Images

    The National Archives (UK), ref. LC 5/132

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