Contract for the Bear Garden between Peter Street and Henslowe and Alleyn

Dulwich College: MS II

single membrane (2 June)

This Indenture made the second day of Iune 1606 And in the yeres of the raigne of our soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of god kinge of England ffraunce & Ireland defender of the faithe &c the ffowerth and of Scotland the nyne and Thirtithe Betweene Peter Streete Cittizen and Carpenter of London on thone party And Phillipp Henslowe and Edward Alleyn of the parishe of St Saviors in Southwark in the County of Surrey Esquiers on thother party/ witnesseth that it is Covenaunted graunted concluded and agreed by and betweene the saide parties to theis presentes And the saide Peter Streete (for the consideracion herevnder specified) for him his executors and administratours Covenaunteth and graunteth to and with the saide Phillipp Henslowe and Edward Alleyn and either of them their executors and assignes by theis presentes in manner and forme followinge that is to say as herevnder from article to article is specified and declared (that is to say That he the saide Peter Streete his executors Administrators or assignes before the Third day of September next Commynge after the date hereof shall att his or their owne proper costes & charges not only take and pull downe for and to the vse of the saide Phillipp Henslowe and Edward Alleyn their executors or assignes so much of the Tymber or Carpenters worke of the saide foreside of the messuage or Tenemente called the beare garden next the River of Thames in the parishe of St Saviors aforesaide, as Conteyneth in lengthe from out side to outside ffyftie and sixe foote of assize and in bredth from out side to out side sixeteene foote of assize: But also in steade & place thereof before the saide Thirde day of september att his or their like costes and charges shall well & sufficiently and Workmanlike make erect sett vp and fully fynishe one new frame for a howse to Conteyne in length from outside to outside ffyftie and Sixe foote of assize and in bredth from out side to out side sixteene foote of assize which frame shalbe made of good newe sufficient and sounde Tymber of oke to be fynished in all thinges as herevnder is mencioned that is to say That the saide frame shall Conteyne in height Twoe storyes and a halfe, The twoe whole storyes of the same frame to be in height from flower to flower Ten foote of assize apeece and the halfe story to be in height ffower foote of assize And all the principall rafters of the same frame to be framed with Crooked postes and bolted with iron boltes thorough the Rafters which iron boltes are to be provided att the Costes and Charges of the saide Peter Streete his executors or assignes And also shall make in the same frame thoroughout Twoe flowers with good and sufficient ioystes the same flowers to be boarded thoroughout with good and sounde deale boardes to be plained and Closely laid and shott All the ‸⸢principall longe⸣ vpright postes of the saide frame to be nyne ynches broade and Seaven ynches thick And shall make in the same frame three maine summers that is to say in the vppermost story Twoe summers, and in the lower story one summer, every summer to be one foote square All the brest summers to be eight ynches broade and Seaven ynches thick The same frame to Ietty over towardes the Thames one foote of assize And also shall make, on the south side of the saide frame a sufficient staire Case with staires Conveniente to leade vp into the vppermost romes of the saide frame with Convenient dores out of the same stairecase into every of the romes adioyninge therevnto, and in euery rome of the same frame one sufficient dore And also by the same stairecase shall make & frame one studdy with a little rome over the same which studdy is to Ietty out from the same frame ffower foote of assize and to extend in lengthe from the same stairecase vnto the place where the Chimneys are appoynted to be sett with a sufficient dore into either of the romes of the same study And the nether story of the same frame shall seperate and devide into fower romes that is to say the ffirst, towardes the east to be for a Tenemente and to Conteyne in length from wall to wall Thirteene foote of assize The next rome to be for a gate rome and to Conteyne in length ten foote of assize, The third rome Twenty foote of assize, and the ffowerth westward thirteene foote of assize And the second story shall seperate into three romes the first on the rome appoynted for a Tenemente on the east end of the said frame to Conteyne in length Thirteene foote of assize, the midle rome, Thirty foote of assize and the Third rome westward Thirteene foote likewise of assize And the half story above to be devided into Twoe romes namely over the saide Tenemente thirteene foote to be seperated from the rest of the saide frame, and the residue to be open in one rome only And out of the saide frame towardes the Thames shall make twoe dores and one faire paire of gates with Twoe wickettes proporcionable And also att either end of the lower story of the same frame shall make one Clerestory windowe either of the same Clerestoryes to be in height three ffoote of assize and sixe foote in length and the middle rome of the same frame Conteyninge twenty foote to haue a Clerestory windowe throughout of the height of the saide former Clerestoryes And in the second story of the same frame shall make Three splay windowes euery windowe to be sixe foote betweene the postes and in the same second story shall make seaven Clerestory windowes euery Clerestory to be three foote wide a peece with one mullion in the midest of euery Clerestory and euery of the same Clerestoryes to be Three foote and a halfe in depth And over the foresaid gate shall make one greate square windowe to be in length ten foote of assize and to Ietty over from the saide frame Three foote of assize standinge vpon twoe Carved Satyres, the same windowe to be in height accordinge to the depth of the story and the same windowe to be framed with twoe endes with mullions Convenient and over the same windowe one piramen with three piramides, the same frame to haue ffower gable endes towardes the thamis and vpon the top of euery gable end one one piramide and betweene euery gable end to be left three foote for the fallinge of the water and in every gable end one Clerestory, and backward ouer the gate of the same frame towardes the south one gable end with a clerestory therein and vnder the same gable end backward in the second story one Clerestory windowe, And also in that parcell of the saide frame as is appoynted for a Tenemente shall make twoe paires of staires one ouer an other by the place where the Chimneyes are appoynted to be sett, And that he the saide Peter Streete his executors administrators or assignes shall before the saide Thirde day of september next Commynge after the date hereof fully fynishe the saide frame in and by all thinges as aforesaid and all other Carpenters worke specified in a plott made of the saide frame subscribed by the saide Peter & by him deliuered to the said Phillipp and Edward Henslowe and Edward Alleyn in such Comely & convenient manner & sorte as by the same plott is figured without fraude or Covyn And att his or their owne charges shall fynd all nayles to be vsed in and aboute the Carpenters worke of the same frame ffor and in consideracion of which frame and worke to be made performed and fynished in forme aforesaide the saide Phillipp Henslowe and Edward Alleyn for them and either of them their executors and administrators doe Covenaunte and graunte to and with the saide Peter Streete his executors and assignes by theis presentes That they the saide Phillipp Henslowe and Edward Alleyn or either of them their executors or assignes shall and will well & truly paie or cause to be paide to the saide Peter Streete his executors or assignes att the now dwellinge howse of the saide Phillipp Henslowe in the parishe of St Saviors aforesaid the somme of Threescore & ffive poundes of lawfull mony of England in manner & forme followinge that is to say in hand att then sealinge hereof the somme of Ten powndes of lawfull muny of England The recepte whereof the said Peter Streete doth acknowledge by theis presentes ⸢vpon the deliuery of the legimente of the said frame att the beare garden aforesaid other Ten powndes therof⸣ raised Twenty poundes therof and vpon the full fynishinge of the same frame in forme aforesaid Twenty and ffive pound when the same frame shalbe fully & wholly raised Twenty poundes thereof and vpon the full fynishinge of the same frame in forme aforesaid Twenty and ffive poundes residue and in full paymente of the said somme of Threeskore & ffive poundes In witnes whereof the said parties to thies present Indentures Interchaungeably haue sett their handes and seales, Yeoven the day & yeres first above written/

Sealed and deliuered in the presence of
Mr Thomas Bolton Scrivener
(signed) Iohn Allyn
signum X dicti
Petri Streete

single membrane dorse

Tertio Iunij infrascripto

°mayne° Receyved by me Peter Streete att thensealinge of theis presentes the somme of Ten powndes of lawfull mony of England accordinge to the Covenaunte within mencioned/ I say received x li.
(signed) Mr Thomas Belton signum X Dicti
Petri Street

Peter Streetes covenantes
and bond for the
building of the bearegarden

°mayne° paid vnto petter Stret the 11 of September 1606 °of my owne money° in part of payment deliuered vnto the bargeman the some x ll.


°mayne° paid vnto petter Stret the 28 of September 1606 in part of payment deliuered vnto the bargeman the some v ll.


°by work° paid vnto petter Strete the 29 of november ⸢october of my owne money⸣ 1606 in part of payment by my sellfe the some of l s.
°by work° paid vnto petter Stret the 30 of october 1606 in part of payment to bye hime sellfe syxpeny naylls v s.
°by work° paid vnto petter Stret the 4 of november 1606 in part of payment to hime seallfe the some of x s.
°mayne° paid vnto petter Strette the 11 of november 1606 in part of payment to hime seallfe the some of xv ll.


°by worke° paid vnto peter Strette the 4 of november 1606 the some x s.
paid vnto petter strette the 2 of desember 1606 x s.
°by worke° paid vnto petter strette for bye worcke in mantells & other thinges xiiij s.
paid vnto petter stret to by naylles the some of v s.
paid petter strette for feneshinge the stables & steynge vp the shed xiij s. iiij d.
paid petter strette for planckynge of the new shede & mackynge the dormer xx s.
paid petter strette for ij peces of tymber for the kychen xiiij s. iiij d.
paid vnto petter stret the 9 of Ianuary 1606 of my owne money the some of iij li.


  • Marginalia
    • testes
  • Footnotes
    • This Indenture made: in display script, large display initial T
    • witnesseth: in display script
    • (that … say: closing parenthesis missing
    • Thirde: 2 characters of line filler before and after Thirde
    • ffor: in display script
    • X: Peter Street's mark in the form of a reversed 'S' superimposed onto 'P'
    • X: Peter Street's mark in the form of a reversed 'S' superimposed onto a 'P'
    • signum … Street: 'sign of the said Peter Street'
    • Peter … bearegarden: in a formal italic hand
    • X: Peter Street's mark in the form of a reversed 'S' superimposed onto a 'P'
    • X: Peter Street's mark in the form of a reversed 'S' superimposed onto a 'P'
    • X: Peter Street's mark in the form of a reversed 'S' superimposed onto a 'P'
    • X: Peter Street's mark in the form of a reversed 'S' superimposed onto a 'P.' The numbers 5, 10, 10 are written in the right margin on separate lines; possibly archival
  • Glossed Terms
    • piramen n pirament, pediment
  • Endnote

    John Allyn was probably John Alleyn, the nephew of Edward Alleyn. His father, John Alleyn the elder, was an actor but died in 1596; see Greg, Henslowe Papers, p 31, n 9; p 71, n 7.

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Contract for the Bear Garden between Peter Street and Henslowe and Alleyn
    Repository: Dulwich College
    Shelfmark: MS II
    Repository location: Dulwich

    This contract is for demolition of the building on Bankside, likely the old Bell and Cock inn, and construction of a new entrance gatehouse leading to the Bear Garden arena. Henslowe and Alleyn had commissioned work previously from the carpenter, Peter Street (1553-1609), when the Fortune playhouse was constructed in Finsbury; see Contract for the Fortune Playhouse, DC: Mun 22, 8 January 1599/1600. The new building was to be the same size as the previous one at 56 ft x 16 ft with two storeys of 10 ft high and a smaller storey 4 foot high. Our research indicates that this building became known as the Dancing Bears and included a gateway to the Bear Garden, which opened on to a courtyard beyond which was the arena.

    The contract has been analyzed by W.J. Lawrence and Walter H. Godfrey, 'The Bear-Garden Contract and what it Implies,' Architectural Review 47 (1920), 152-5. The building included a tenement for the bearward and an office for Henslowe and Alleyn, but the authors determine that 'the greater portion of the gatehouse proper, with its ample, well-lit spaces, was devoted to the purposes of a taphouse' to serve the needs of the Bear Garden audiences; see 'Bear-Garden Contract,' p 155).

    For details of Peter Street's notable career, including the building of the Globe playhouse in 1599, see further Mary Edmond, 'Peter Street, 1553-1609: Builder of Playhouses, ' Shakespeare Survey 45 (1992), 101-14.

    The contract is printed in full by Collier, Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, pp 78-81, and in part by Greg, Henslowe Papers, pp 102-3, and Lawrence and Godfrey, 'Bear-Garden Contract,' p 153.

    For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.

    2 June 1606; English; parchment; single membrane; approximately 439mm x 570mm; large display initial T and some words highlighted in display script for emphasis in; excellent condition; endorsed: 'Peter Streetes covenantes and bond for the building of the bearegarden,' with an acquittance (3 June) inscribed above and notes of payments (17 September 1606-9, January 1606-7) written below. Now detached from MS II, and set in a protective modern cardboard frame. Foliated 13-14v by Warner; cited on p 68 of his Catalogue.

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