Royal Patent to Henslowe and Alleyn for the Office of Master of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs

TNA: C 66/1648

mbs 27–9 (24 November)


Iames by the grace of God &c. To all to whome theis presentes | shall come Greeting. Knowe ye that wee of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and mere mocion have given and graunted and by theis presentes for vs our heires and successors doe give and graunt to our servant Phillip Henslowe one of the sewars of our Chamber and Edward Allen Esquier servant to our deerest sonne the Prince ioyntly and seuerally the Roome and office of Chiefe Master Overseer and Ruler of all and singuler our Game pastimes and sportes that is to say of all and every our Beares Bulles and mastiff dogges meete for that purpose And the office and Roome of Keeper and Ruler of our Bandogges our mastifes and mastife bitches And the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen cheife Masters Rulers and Officers of all and everie our games sportes and pastimes aforesaid and either of them cheif keeper and Ruler of our mastifes and Bandogges and the Bandogges of vs our heires and successors wee doe ordaine and make by theis presentes To have holde occupie and enioye the said Offices and every of them vnto the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen ioyntly and severally by themselues or by their sufficient deputie or deputies or the deputie or deputies of either of them during the naturall lives of the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen and the life of the longer liver of them With all manner of rewardes preheminences liberties profittes commodities and advantages whatsoeuer to the said Office of Cheife master Overseer and Ruler of our Beares Bulles and mastiffe dogges in any wise belonging in as large and ample manner as sir William Stewart knight or before him sir Iohn Darrington knight deceased or as Raffe Bowes or any other at any tyme ever had vsed perceived or enioyed in for or by reason of the same Office Giving by theis presentes for vs our heires and successors vnto the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen and to either of them ioyntly and severally and to the deputie and deputies of them and either of them during the naturall lives of the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen and the life of the longer liver of them full power Commission and authority not onely to take vp and keepe for our seruice pastime and sporte any mastife dogg or dogges and mastife bitches Beares Bulles and other like meete and conuenient for our said seruice and pastimes or any of them being within this our Realme or other our Dominions at and for such reasonable prices as our said servantes or either of them or their Deputie or Deputies or the deputie or deputies of either of them canne agree with the Owner or owners of the Beares and Bulles but also to stay or cause to be stayed at their and either of their discrecion all and every such mastiffe dogges and Bitches as the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen or either of them or their assignes or the assignes of either of them shall fortune at any tyme hereafter to take or finde goyng passing or conveying or to be conveyid in any wise into any partes of beyonde the Seas without our especiall warrant and Commission for conveying of the same. willing and straightly charging and Commaunding that aswell all our Officers ministers and subiectes and every of them from henceforth doe aide from time to tyme assist strengthen and helpe the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen or either of them in exercising of the said Office and other the premisses as also other our Officers and ministers in any wise apperteyning to our said Games shall diligently obey be attending and doe any thing and thinges reasonable that the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen ioyntly and either of them seuerally as masters and Cheife Rulers of our said Games shall commaunde for our better seruice therein And further wee doe give and graunt full power and authority by theis presentes to the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen and to either of them to baite or cause to be baited our said Beares and others being of our said Games in all and everie convenient place and places and at any tymes meete at their and either of their discrecion And that no other officer or vnderofficer belonging or any manner of waies apperteyning to our said Beares and Games for the tyme being nor any of them shall from henceforth baite or cause to be baited any of our said Beares or others of our Games aforesaid in any yarde or other place or places without the speciall licence and appointment of the said Phillip Henslow or Edward Allen or one of them nor that any of them shall from henceforth take vp any Beare or Beares or any other apperteyning to our said Games or for our seruice and commoditie without the like appointment of our said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen or of one of them as is aforesaid any manner of graunt or licence heretofore made or hereafter to be made to any of them for the same to the contrarie hereof in any wise notwithstanding And of our further grace certaine knowledge and meere mocion wee doe by theis presentes for vs our heires and successors give and graunt vnto the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen ioyntly and severally the office and Roome of keeper of our Bandogges Mastiffes and Mastiffe bitches and the said Phillipe Henslow and Edward Allen and either of them keeper and Ruler of our mastiffes and Bandogges and of the mastifes and bandogges of vs our heires and successors wee doe ordaine and make by theise presentes To have houlde occupie and enioye the said Roome to the said Phillip Henslowe and Edward Allen ioyntly and severally aswell by themselues as by their sufficient Deputie or Deputies or by the sufficient Deputye |or deputies of either of them during their lives and the life of the longer liver of them Moreover wee doe by theis presentes for vs our heires and successors give and graunt to the said Phillip Henslow and Edward Allen for the exercising and occupying of the said Office and keeping of Twenty mastiffe Bitches the fee and wages of tenn pence sterling by the day and for their deputy for the exercising of the saide Roome vnder them the fee and wages of fower pence ‸⸢by⸣ the day To have and enioye the said severall fees and either of them to the said Phillip Henslow and Edward Allen and their assignes during their lives and the life of the longer liver of them The said fee to be had and yearlie received out of the Treasure of our Chamber and of our heires and successors by the handes of the Treasurer of the said Chamber for the time being quarterly by even porcions together with all other fees advantages profittes and commodities therunto belonging in as large and ample manner as the said sir William Stewart or as before him the said sir Iohn Darrington knight deceased or as the said Raphe Bowes or any other person or persons heretofore have had and enioyed in and for the exercising of the same. Although expresse mencion &c. In witness wherof &c. witnes our self at westmynster the fower and Twentith day of November


  • Marginalia
    • Et concessa ad vitas pro
      Phillipo Henslowe & Edwardo Allen.

      [Footnote: Et … Allen: 'And granted for life for Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn']

  • Footnotes
    • Et … Allen: 'And granted for life for Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn'
    • and: written over erasure
    • either: written over erasure
  • Endnote

    The description of Edward Alleyn as 'servant to our deerest sonne the Prince' refers to his status as an actor in the former Admiral's Men, recently transferred to the patronage of Prince Henry, the heir to the throne.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Royal Patent to Henslowe and Alleyn for the Office of Master of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: C 66/1648
    Repository location: Kew

    The patent granting the long-awaited office, customarily granted for life, of master of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs to Henslowe and Alleyn was finally enrolled on 24 November 1604.

    A partial version of the royal patent beginning 'and advantages whatsoever...' survives in DC: MS II; the opening section does not survive.

    For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.

    24 November 1604; English and Latin; parchment; 41 membranes, written 1 side only; 265mm x 675–705mm; unnumbered; dirty, some fading, 1 hole (mb 31); sewn at the top, final blank membrane serves as cover.

  • Manuscript Images

    The National Archives (UK), ref. C 66/1648

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