p 217 (28 November)
At this vestrye Morgan Pope did agree to paye vnto ye parishe for the Beare garden and for the grounde adioyninge to the same where the dogges are vj s. viij d. at Christmas next for old Rerages of tythe, and at our ladye daye in lentt followinge vj s. viij d. for the whole yeare then next ensuinge And so frome thensforthe yearelye vppon our Ladye daye vj s. viij d.
Morgan Pope, goldsmith of London, had acquired the sub-lease of the Bear Garden property at the Bell and Cock after resolution of a court of Requests case in his favour. See further Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape.
Record title: St Saviour's Vestry Minutes
Shelfmark: P92/SAV/450
Repository location: London
The vestry minutes record meetings of the parish vestry to deal with such issues as church fabric, lands, upkeep, annual elections, and poor relief. No vestry minutes survive between 1628 and 1670 but there remains an earlier book running from July 1557 to March 1581/2, ending on p 169.
Normalized extracts for both vestry books have been provided by Ingram and Nelson, 'Parish of St Saviour,' P92/SAV/449 and P92/SAV/450.
1581-1628; English; paper; ii + 257 + ii; 420mm x 280mm (text area variable); ink pagination starts at 169-572 (last 57 leaves blank); some display headings and opening words; good condition; brown suede and board binding deteriorating at the edges, with title on worn red leather strip on spine: 'VESTRY | MEETINGS | 1581.'