single sheet
To the right honorable william willim
Earle of Pembrooke
Lord Chamberleine to the
Kings maiestie and one of
his highnes right honorable privie councell/.
The humble petition of Edward Allen Esquire/.
Wheras there was a petition prefered to your honor att Edenboroughe in Scotland one the behallffe of Iacobbe Meede
Esquire touchinge somme s<..>ded in interruptions by him pretended to
be made by the petitioner in or about th touchinge the baytinge of bulls
beares and bulls and the keepinge of that game, the
which petition remaineth with your honors secretarie/. the petitioner
humblie desireth your honor to take consideration of his aunswer made to
to the said petition which is as ffolloweth/.
ffirst the said Iacobbe Meede is
⸢petitioner⸣ hath not assigned made anie
assignment of <..>ns
Part the pattent mencioned in the said Iacobbe
meedes petition/ but onlie from tyme to tyme as occasion serveth doth make to him or
such as he shall appointe deputations of the said pattent and that
<...>for no tyme certaine
but duringe his ‸⸢your⸣ petitioners
Secondlie that he hath not since the tyme that the house & game menconed in the
said Meedes petition weare in his cstodie receivd out of thexchecquer, neither the
wages dewe <...> and ffees dewe
by the Patent nor the 4 s. per diem for the Leopard and other
beastes mencioned in the said meedes petition.
Thirdlie the said Meede hath covenaunted with this
d<.> your petitioner that if
the wages and ffees doe not amounte to 60 li. per annum then the
said Meede to allowe to your petitioner p yerelie so much as
‸⸢the same⸣ shall want of 60 li. per
ffowerthlie, the said Meede doth not paye his rent to your
petitioner the rent of 100 li. per annum for the house but
refuseth to paye it and ioy<....> combinith with those oppose the your
petitioners title to defeate your petitioner of the posession of the said
house and his interest therein
Ffifthlie your petitioner the said Iacobbe Meede not payenge
his rent nor performinge the articles made betweene him ‸⸢your petitioner⸣ and the said Meede your petitioner
warnd the said Meede to forbere to baite the said beres but the
said Meede continewed baytinge notwithstandinge which the
petitioner did not hinder/.
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.
Record title: Petition to William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, by Edward
Repository: Dulwich College
Shelfmark: MS II
Repository location: Dulwich
This is a draft of an undated petition from Alleyn written in response to another from Jacob Meade that has not been found. Its reference to Meade's refusal to pay Alleyn the rent of £100 annually. for the Bear Garden may date it to sometime after Meade had apparently agreed to lease it instead for the same sum from Alleyn's rival claimant William Henslowe on the 29 June 1617; see Appendix 4: IX. a. Moreover both his and apparently also Meade's petitions are addressed to William Herbert (1580–1630), earl of Pembroke, and Lord Chamberlain from 1615–26. He was in Edinburgh with the king between May and August 1617 during which period he may have been presented with Meade's petition; see Warner, Catalogue, p 80, n 2, citing Nichols, Progresses, vol 3, pp 37, 390. Alleyn's petition is printed in Collier, Memoirs, p 160; Collier states that it was wrapped up in a statement in Alleyn's handwriting of the grievances between him and Meade, also undated; see Edward Alleyn's Statement of Matters in Dispute with Jacob Meade.
For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.
undated; English; paper; single sheet; 390mm x 307mm; folded and mounted on a guard sheet and bound with other documents in a 19th-c. brown cloth binding with gold tooling, title on spine: 'DULWICH | COLLEGE. | ALLEYN | PAPERS. | VOL.II. | BEAR | GARDEN | 1598–1626.' Foliated 76–7 in pencil by Warner and cited on p 80 of his Catalogue, but foliated as f 76b in Dulwich MSS catalogue.