License granted to Thomas Fluddie to Bait Bears

TNA: SP 4/1

mb [3] (September)


Alicence for Thomas fluddie yeoman of your maiesties beares to baight and make pastyme with your graces beares at thaccustomed ‸⸢places⸣ at london called the Stewes notwithstanding the proclamacion. At the suyte of Mr Paston. ...

  • Marginalia
    • 111
  • Footnotes
    • proclamacion: 13 April 1546
  • Document Description

    Record title: License granted to Thomas Fluddie to Bait Bears
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: SP 4/1
    Repository location: Kew

    Following the proclamation that bearbaiting was to cease on Bankside issued in April 1546, this license was issued to Thomas Fluddie in September; see Proclamation of Henry VIII against the Stews. In 1552 Fluddie appeared as a tenant of Henry Polstead; see Henry Polsted's Tenants in St Saviour's Parish. Fluddie is cited here as a yeoman of the King's bears and was confirmed as such on 26 November 1555 by Philip and Mary; see TNA: C 66/900.

    This roll is one of many monthly registers of bills, warrants and letters dry stamped with Henry VIII's signature, and then submitted to the king for clearance. The king checked each register and authorized that month's use of the dry stamp by personally signing the register.

    1545 September–1546/7 January; English; parchment; 3 membranes, sewn end to end; 2320mm x 310mm ; originally unnumbered; good condition. Now folded and mounted on a paper binding strip, numbered 111 out of 141 items, and bound with eighteen other rolls for September 1545–January 1546/7 in a red leather board volume, title gold-stamped on the spine: '[double rule] S. P | HEN. VIII. | | [double rule] || [double rule] | SIGNATURES | BY | STAMP. | [double rule],' and stored in a brown cardboard box. Item 111 is listed in the MS 'Index Nominarum' on f 26 as 'Fluddie, Thomas To bait bears Sept. 1546 111.'

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