ff 67–8 (8 November) (Whitehall)
After our very hartie h
Commendacions to your
Lordshipp/ Whereas it hath
pleased the Almightie God, to take awaie the most Noble and worthie Prince of Wales, to the exceedinge
greate sorrowe and Greef aswell of theire Maiesties, as of all theire deere and
lovinge Subiecte/. And | that these tymes doe not suite with such playes and idle shewes, as are daily to be seene in and
neere the cittie of London, to
the scandall of Order and good governement at all occasions when they are most
tolerable, As wee haue allreadie addressed lettres to the Iustices of peace of
Middlesex and Surrey for the suppressinge of any playes or shewes whatsoever within those
Counties, soe wee doe heereby require your Lordshipp to take speedie and
speciall order for the prohibitinge of all Playes shewes Bearebaytinges, or any other such sighte, within
that cittie and liberties thereof and vtterlie to restraine, the vse and
exercise thereof vntill you shall receave further order from vs/. And yf you shall
finde anie person offendinge therein, to commytt him or them to Prison without
favour or connyvauncie, and to acquainte vs
therewith/. And soe wee bidd your lordship / Hartelie farewell/. ffrom Whitehall the viijth of November /./ 1612/.
Your Lordships verie loving frindes/.
T Ellesmore Cancellarius H Northampton: T Suffolk:
Record title: Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor of London
Shelfmark: COL/RMD/PA/01/003
Repository location: London
This copy of a letter from the privy council, preserved in the city's Remembrancia, follows the premature death of Henry, prince of Wales, on 6 November 1612. Neither the original letter, nor that addressed to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey, survive in the Acts of the Privy Council.
October 1610–October 1614; English; paper; 206 + i; 420mm x 330mm; modern pencil foliation (used here) over ink foliation started anew for each mayoral year, modern entry numbers; some pages repaired; each new mayoralty is marked by an illuminated title page, pasted into the volume; bound in white vellum on boards, with tooled heraldic shield, title on spine in black ink (first word written sideways): Remembrancia. | III | 1610 | 8. Jac. I. | 1614 | 12. Jac. I.