Appointment of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn as Masters of the Game

TNA: SP 38/7

f 289 (14 November)

The office of master of the Game of Beares Bulles and Mastiffe dogges with the fee of x d. by the day for keeping of 20. mastiffe bitches & 4 d. by the day for attending them, & other allowaunces to the same belonging graunted to phillip henslowe, one of the Sewers of his maiesties Chamber, and Edward Allen servant to the Prince, for their lives & the longer liver of them, vppon surrender of former lettres patentes thereof graunted to ‸⸢Sir⸣ william Stewart during his lief. procured by Sir Thomas Lake.


  • Document Description

    Record title: Appointment of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn as Masters of the Game
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: SP 38/7
    Repository location: Kew

    In November 1604 Henslowe and Alleyn finally achieved their longstanding goal to acquire the royal patent for the mastership of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs after purchasing an assignment from Sir William Stewart, who had been granted the office in July 1604 following the death of John Dorrington. Here, dated 14 November, is the docquet, or abstract of the royal warrant granting the customary wages for master and deputy.

    14 November 1604; English; paper; single sheet; 305 mm x 204mm; endorsed on the back: 'Docquet. | 14. Die Nouenbris | 1604. |' Now stamped as f 289 and bound with other State Papers Domestic James I (1603-4) in red board and cloth binding, with a gold- stamped title on leather spine: 'STATE | PAPERS | DOMESTIC | DOCQUETS | 7.' Stored in a brown cardboard box.

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