single membrane
To the right worshipfull Mr Chauncelour and generall
Surveyour of the kinges
Maiesties Courte of
Augmentacions and Revenewes of the kinges Crone/./.
In humble wyse sheweth vnto your good Masterships your Oratour Henry Polsted Esquier that where our soueraigne Lorde the king that nowe is by his lettres patentes vnder the Seale of the said honorable Courte bering date at Westminster the xxvjth daye of Aprill in the syxth yere of his maiesties raigne did demyse and lett to ffarme vnto your said Oratour amonges other diuers mesuages gardens sett lyeng and being in the paryshe of Saynt Savyour in Suthwerke in the Countye of Surrey To be hadd vnto your said Oratour and his assignes frome the ffeast of Saynt Michell Tharkaungell last past vnto thende and term of twenty & one yeres wyth reseruacions of rentes and other covenauntes as in the same lettres patentes being enrolled in this honorable Courte more playnly appereth/ So yt is right worshipfull that diuers persons whos names are vnderwrytten vnto whome your said oratour hath demysed parcell of the said meses and gardens vnder certen yerely Rentes hereafter vnder wrytten to be paied at some vsuall quarters of the yere by even porcions haue denyed and yett doo denye to satsifie and paye vnto your said oratour there said Rentes that is to saye some for one quarter and some for two quarters as it is hereafter particulerly vnderwrytten wherby your said oratour is greatly lett and hindered in payment of his rent vnto our said soueraigne Lorde/ In consideracion wherof your said Oratour as the kinges maiesties ffermour prayeth Ayde of this honorabull Courte and requyreth to haue proces awarded out of the same ayenst all thos said persons whos names and arrerages are vnderwritten to appere in this honorabull Courte to answere to the premisses/ And your said Oratour shall daylly pray for the preseruacion of your good Masterships Long to endure wyth increase of muche worship/.
Iohn Alen for the Bere yarde for half a yere ending at the same ffeast | iiij li. |
The same Iohn Alen for the vnycorne garden for the said yere demi | xxx s. |
Thomas fflodye for two Tenementes for the same yere demi | liiij s. |
Thanks to Graham Dawson for the reference to this document. No date is given for this complaint but from the text it must have been after the issue of letters patent on '26 April 1552.' For a copy of these letters patent of 26 April 1552, see the enrolment in the Office the Auditors of Land Revenue patent, TNA: LR 1/89, ff 35-36.
For a biography of Henry Polsted see HPO.
Record title: Polsted Complaint in the Court of Augmentations
Shelfmark: E 321/25/92
Repository location: Kew
A complaint was made by Henry Polsted to the Court of Augmentations that tenants of messuages and gardens leased to him by the king, by letters patent of 26 April 1552, were not paying their rent. John Allen is mentioned as tenant of the Bear Garden and the Unicorn.
1552; English; paper; single sheet; 260mm x 310mm; good condition; no endorsement. One of 100 bills and informations stored together in a brown cardboard box.