single sheet
Mr Henslowe my lord would haue you to receaue from this bearer This wolfe he sende vnto you. And for his keeping he will speake with you hereafter when you Come hither. so I rest
Your loving freind
(signed) Meredith Morgan
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.
Record title: Meredith Morgan's Letter to Philip Henslowe
Repository: Dulwich College
Shelfmark: MS II
Repository location: Dulwich
This undated letter, regarding a wolf, presumably for the Bear Garden, must have been sent before 1616 (Henslowe died in January 1615/16). No further information about the sender has been discovered.
For an image of the original manuscript, see the Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.
undated; English; 200mm x 302mm; single
sheet; generally good condition, small worm holes; originally folded and
sealed (remains of seal visible); endorsed f 74v: 'To my very
freind Mr Henslowe
or in his absenns
to Iacob. at
beare garden
(signed) the <..>
R.' Now mounted on modern guard and bound with other documents in a
19th-c. brown cloth binding with gold tooling, title on spine: 'DULWICH
| COLLEGE. | ALLEYN | PAPERS. | VOL.II. | BEAR | GARDEN | 1598–1626 |.'
Foliated 74 in pencil by Warner; cited on page 80 of his