ff 35-6 (14 April)
5 | An ordre from the Lordsthe 14th Aprill 1630 for suppressing of playes & other meetings |
Lord Keeper Lord Arche Bishop of yorke Lord Treasurer Lord President Lord ffalkland |
Lord privie
seale Lord Marshall Earl Suffolke Earl Salisberey Earl Bridgewater |
Earl Kellie Lord Dorchester Master Chamberleyn Master Secretary Cooke |
In regard of the greate apprehensione and appearance of the increase of ye Sicknes, and for that it is conceiued, that Assemblies & meetings of people for sporte & pleasure, may bee agreate meanes to spread ye same, Theire Lordshipps, haue thought fitt & ordered that aswell the Lord Maior of London, as the Iustices of peace of Middlesex & Surrey, doe take stricte & effectuall ordre to prohibite & suppresse, all Meetings & stage playes Bearebaytings, Tvmbling dancing on ye Ropes, shewes, or scights presented in howses and all other Concourse and Meetings whatsoeuer for Pastime as aforesaied, And also all Assemblies| of the Inhabitants of seuerall Counties at ye Common halls of London pretended for continuance of accquaintance, and all extraordinary assemblies of people at Tavernes or ellce where, And hereof all Magistrates whome yt may concerne, are required to take notice, & see this ordre executed without faile/
Extractor William Beecher
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.
Record title: Privy Council Order to the Lord Mayor and JPs for Middlesex and
Shelfmark: COL/RMD/PA/01/007
Repository location: London
This copy of the privy council order sent to Sir James Campbell, lord mayor of London, relates to the order recorded in the Acts of the Privy Council on the same day; see Privy Council Order to Restrain Plays due to Plague. According to Charles Creighton, however, plague that year, in London at least, was 'a small affair'; see A History of Epidemics in Britain, vol 1, 2nd ed (London, 1965), 527. The letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey do not survive.
October 1629–October 1637; English; paper; 215 leaves; 422mm x 330mm; modern pencil foliation (used here) over ink foliation started anew for each mayoral year, modern entry numbers; right hand edge of pages torn and brittle, some repairs; most new mayoralties are marked by an illuminated title page, pasted into the volume; bound in white vellum on boards, with tooled heraldic shield, marbled inside end covers, title on spine in black ink (first word written sideways): 'Remembrancia. | VII | 1629 | 5. Car. I. | 1637 | 13. Car. I.' The entry extracted is numbered 28 in later pencil.