Richard Lefwicke's Acquittance for the Bear Garden

Dulwich College: MS II

single sheet (1 January)

Receyued of mr henslow & mr alleyn the j daye of Ianewarye 1601 for j quarters Rent dewe vnto my master mr doryngton for the commisyon for the Beargarden the some of tenne powndes by me Richard lefwicke I say Receyued x ll.

Richard X lefwickes marcke

  • Marginalia
    • °40 L a year paid for the rent of the Beargarden°
  • Endnote

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Richard Lefwicke's Acquittance for the Bear Garden
    Repository: Dulwich College
    Shelfmark: MS II
    Repository location: Dulwich

    A similar acquittance, dated 11 April 1602 and signed by John Dorrington, is in Henslowe's diary; see Acquittance for the Bear Garden. The lucrative commission of £40 a year was paid to Dorrington, as master of the Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, for license to bait at the Bear Garden.

    For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.

    1 January 1601/2; English; single sheet; 187mm x 118mm; good condition; mounted on a modern guard and bound with other documents in a 19th-c. brown cloth binding with gold tooling, title on spine: 'DULWICH | COLLEGE. | ALLEYN | PAPERS. | VOL.II. | BEAR | GARDEN | 1598–1626.' Foliated 4 in pencil by Warner; cited on p 67 of his Catalogue.

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