Alleyn's Letter to Christopher Goffe

Dulwich College: MS II

f [1] (June)

Christopher Goffe we Comends vs vnto etcetera:

Your sodayne departur out of the Towne att your last being with vs, and our then ocassion of busines, made that to be neclected, which otherwise showld haue been performed w<..> ‸⸢we⸣ mean your deputation, yett nott withstanding wee Haue thought good to diricht theys our letters vnto you, which shalbe a sufition warant, for you to deale in our busines, by which we do not only will and requier you to deale in ⸢you⸣ as our ‸⸢sufitient⸣ seruant and deputie, but also doe Authorise you to proseed in the busines, acording to theys directions folowing, videlicet that whear as by reson of our great seruis this year both be for the kinges maiestie, the french princ, and with ye hous, our whole store ‸⸢of doggs⸣ are wasted and spent ‸⸢as your self Can Testifie⸣ so that we ar forced to sent downe His maiestis Comissio in to theys Cuntries, to Tak and bring vp such and so many suffitient doggs (wherof we vnderstand you Haue great store) as shall sufies to performe any servis when His maiestie shall Comand, never ye less Conferming ⸢considering⸣ our speches wee Had with you for ye good of ye gamsters of your Cuntrie, and His maiesties seruis that they shall Haue no ocasion of dislik, nor our offic vnfurnished, nether at this Tym nor Heer after, we do by you make this offer vnto them, that iff they will Cale and ofer them selues to gether, in Eueri Town and vilage wher theys ⸢such⸣ doggs ar kept, and sett down among them selues How many Eueri plac yearly will alow for the sayd servis, under and them to send vp ⸢to our⸣ for His maiestis offic att pallass garden between Easter and whitsontid, that in so doing the Comission shall never Com downe to Take any doggs from them ‸⸢but theyr wholl store shalbe left to them selues⸣ and for more securitie wher of we will at Euerie reseat of such doggs yerly, giue vnder our Hands and sealls a sufitient dischard for ye sayd year, this shall you promiss in our names which they performing we will keep, but otherwise we must be ‸⸢must be⸣ forsed to send ye Comissio oftner among them, and Espetially for to those places which shall rere<...> refuse this kind offer, send vs word of ‸⸢this⸣ busines as sone as you Can, and the names of those places that do Acept of itt, sertified vnder theyr own Hands that we may vse them kindly and those that do refuce vnder your Hand that we maye know them thus with our Hartie salutations we Comitt you to god london this (blank) of Iune 1607

  • Footnotes
    • are: written over other letters
    • names: ames written over other letters
    • (blank): space left for date
    • 1607: underlined
  • Endnote

    The French prince was Charles de Lorraine, prince de Joinville, eldest son of Henry, third duke of Guise. He came to England on 8 May 1607 and was present at Jonson's masque before the king at Theobalds, 22 May; see Nichols, Progresses of James I, vol 2, pp 126–8.

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT events.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Alleyn's Letter to Christopher Goffe
    Repository: Dulwich College
    Shelfmark: MS II
    Repository location: Dulwich

    The letter on behalf of both Henslowe and Alleyn, masters of the Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, is in Alleyn's hand. On the back of the first leaf are some accounts for bear's meat at Dartford, Gravesend, Rochester, Maidstone, Sittingborne, Faversham, Canterbury, Dover, Folkestone, Ashford, and Wye.

    For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.

    June 1607; English; 205mm x 305mm; bifolium; unfoliated; good condition; mounted on modern guard and bound with other documents in a 19th-c. brown cloth binding with gold tooling, title on spine: 'DULWICH | COLLEGE. | ALLEYN | PAPERS. | VOL.II. | BEAR | GARDEN | 1598–1626 |.' Foliated 15–16 in pencil by Warner; cited on pp 69–70 of his Catalogue.

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