single membrane (29 August)
Articles Covenauntes grauntes and agreementes Concluded and agreed vppon this Nyne and Twenteithe daie of Auguste Anno domini 1613 Betwene Phillipe Henslowe of the parishe of St Saviour in sowthworke within the countye of Surrey Esquire, and Iacobe Maide of the parishe of St Olaves in sowthworke aforesaide waterman of thone partie, And Gilbert Katherens of the saide parishe of St Saviour in sowthworke Carpenter on thother partie, As followeth That is to saie
Inprimis the saide Gilbert Katherens for him his
executors administratours and assignes dothe convenaunt promise and graunt to and with the saide
Phillipe Henslow and Iacobe Maide and either of them thexecutors administrators
& assignes of them and either of them by theise presentes in manner and
forme followinge That he the saied Gilbert Katherens his executours
administrators assignes shall and will at his or theire owne proper costes and
charges vppon or before the last daie of November next ensuinge the daie of the date
of the date
of theise presentes above written, not onlie take downe or pull downe all
that Game place or house wherein Beares and Bulls haue
been heretofore vsuallie bayted, And also one other house or staple wherin Bulls and horsses did vsuallie stande, Sett
lyinge and beinge vppon or neere the Banksyde in the saide parishe of St
Saviour in sowthworke Comonlie Called or knowne by the name of the Beare garden/ But shall also at his or
theire owne proper costes and Charges vppon or before the saide laste daie
of November newly erect, builde and sett vpp one other Game place or Plaiehouse fitt
& convenient in all thinges, bothe for players to playe In, And for the game of
Beares and Bulls to be bayted in the same, And also A fitt and convenient Tyre house
and a stage to be carryed or
taken awaie, and to stande vppon tressells good ‸⸢
substanciall⸣ and sufficient for the carryinge and bearinge of suche a stage,
And shall new builde erect and sett vp againe the saide plaie house or game place
neere or vppon the saide place, where the saide game place did heretofore stande,
And to builde the same of suche large compasse, fforme, widenes, and height as the
Plaie house Called the Swane in
the libertie of Parris garden in
the saide parishe of St Saviour, now is/ And shall also builde two
stearecasses without and adioyninge to the saide Playe house in suche
convenient places as shalbe moste fitt and convenient for the ⸢them⸣
wi to stande vppon, and of such largnes and height as the stearecasses of
the saide playehouse called the Swan, nowe are or bee / And shall also builde the
Heavens all over the saide stage to be borne or carryed without any postes
or supporters to be fixed or sett vppon the saide stage, And all gutters of leade
needfull for the carryage of all suche Raine water as shall fall vppon the same, And
shall also make Two Boxes in the lowermost storie fitt and decent
for gentlemen to sitt in/ And shall make the particions
betwne the
Rommes as they are at the saide Plaie house called the Swan/ And to make Turned
Cullumes vppon and over the stage/ And shall
make the Principalls and fore fronte of the saide Plaie house of good and sufficient
oken Tymber, And no fair tymber to be putt or vsed in the lower most, or midell
stories, excepte the vpright postes on the backparte of the saide stories/ All the
Byndinge Ioystes to be of oken tymber, The Inner principall postes of the first
storie to be Twelve footes in height and Tenn ynches square, the Inner principall
postes in the midell storie to be eight ynches square The Inner most postes in the
vpper storie to be seaven ynches square/ The Prickpostes in the first storie to be
eight ynches square, in the seconde storie seaven ynches square, and in the vpper
most storie six ynches square/ Also the Brest sommers in the lower moste storie to
be nyne ynches depe, and seaven ynches in thicknes, and in the midell storie to be
eight ynches depe and six ynches in thicknes/ The Byndinge Iostes of the firste
storie to be nyne and Eight ynches in depthe and thicknes and in the midell storie
to be viij and vij ynches in depthe and thicknes/ Item to make a good, sure, and
sufficient foundacion of Brickes for the saide Playhouse or game place and
to make it xiij <...> ynches at the leaste above the grounde
Item to new builde, erect, and sett vpp the saide Bull house and
stable with good and <...>ficient
scantlinge tymber plankes and bordes and particions of that
largnes and fittnes as shalbe sufficient to kepe and holde six <...> and Three horsses or geldinges, with Rackes and
mangers to the same, And ‸⸢also⸣ a lofte or storie over the
saide house as nowe it is/ And shall also at his & theire owne proper
costes and charges new tyle with Englishe tyles all the vpper
Rooffe of the saide Plaie house game place and Bull house or stable, And ther shall
fynde and paie for at his like proper costes and charges for all the lyme, heare,
sande, Brickes, tyles, laths nayles, worke manshipe and all other thinges needfull
and necessarie for the full finishinge of the saide Plaie house Bull house and
stable/ And the saide Plaiehouse or game place to be made in althinges and in suche
‸⸢forme and⸣ fashion, as the saide plaie house called the
swan, the scantling of the tymbers, tyles, and foundacion as ys aforesaide
without fraude or
coven/ And the saide Phillipe Henslow and Iacobe maide and either of them for
them, thexecutors administratours and assignes of them and either of them
doe covenaunt and graunt to and with the saide Gilbert Katherens his
executors administratours and assignes in manner and forme
followinge (That is to saie) That he the saide Gilbert or his assignes shall or maie
haue, and take to his or theire vse and behoofe not onlie all the tymber
benches seates, slates, tyles Brickes and all other thinges belonginge to
the saide Game place & Bull house or stable, And also all suche olde tymber
whiche the saide Phillipe Henslow hathe latlie bought beinge of an old house in
Thames street, London, whereof moste parte is now lyinge in the Yarde or Backsyde of
the said Beare garden And also to satisfie and paie vnto the saide Gilbert Katherens
his executors administratours or assignes for the doinge and finishinges of
the Workes and buildinges aforesaid the somme of Three Hundered and three score
poundes of good and lawffull monie of England in manner and forme
followinge (That is to saie) In hande at thensealinge and deliuery hereof, Three
score pounds which the saide Gilbert acknowlegeth himselfe by theise
presentes to haue Receaved, And more over to paie every Weeke weeklie
duringe the ‸⸢firste⸣ Six weekes vnto the saide Gilbert or
his assignes when he shall sett workemen to worke vppon or about the buildinge of
the premisses the somme of Tenn pounds of lawffull monie of Englande to
paie them there Wages yf theire wages dothe amount vnto somuche monie, And when the
saide plaie house Bull house and stable are Reared then to make vpp the saide
wages one hundered pounds of lawffull monie of England, and to be
paide to the saide Gilbert or his assignes, And when the saide Plaie house Bull
house and stable are Reared tyled walled, then to paie vnto the saide Gilbert
Katherens or his assignes, One other hundered poundes of lawffull monie of England
And when the saide Plaiehouse, Bull house and stable are fullie finished builded and
done in manner and forme aforesaide, Then to paie vnto the saide Gilbert
Katherens or his assignes, One other hundered Poundes of Lawffull monie of England
in full satisfacion and payment of the saide somme of CCClx li. And to all
and singuler the Covenauntes grauntes Articles and agreementes above in
theise presentes Contayned whiche on the parte and behalfe of the saide
Gilbert Katherens his executours administrators or assignes are ought to be
observed performed fulfilled and done, the saide Gilberte Katherens byndeth
himselfe his executours administrators and assignes, vnto the saide
Phillipe Henslowe and Iacob Maide and to either of them thexecutours
administratours and assignes of them or either of them by theise
presentes In witnes whereof the saide Gilbert Katherens hath herevnto sett his
hande and seale the daie and yere firste above written
the mark GK of Gilbert Katherens
The Swan playhouse, in the manor of Paris Garden, further west, was still in operation at this time, but its manager and resident company (if there was one) are unknown. Francis Langley (1548–1602), its founder, had died in July 1602; see William Ingram, 'Langley, Francis (1548–1602), businessman and moneylender,' ODNB, accessed 12 December 2022.
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.
Record title: Gilbert Katherens' Contract with Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade
for Rebuilding the Bear Garden
Repository: Dulwich College
Shelfmark: Mun 49
Repository location: Dulwich
On 29 August 1613 Henslowe and Jacob Meade contracted with carpenter Gilbert Katherens to demolish the Bear Garden and erect on the property a dual purpose playhouse and animal baiting arena modelled on the Swan playhouse. Jacob Meade or Maide (1557–1624) was a waterman based in Southwark and worked closely with Henslowe as his deputy in the Bear Garden enterprise from circa 1599 when he was made keeper of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs. Meade's warrant in that capacity, dated 24 November 1599, survives for commissioning John Cullyver to act as his deputy in taking up mastiff dogs in the provinces and to bait anywhere in the kingdom; see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project. Meade lived in a tenement that was part of the gatehouse built in 1606 within the Bear Garden property on Bankside; see Contract for the Bear Garden between Peter Street and Henslowe and Alleyn. Gilbert Katherens, the carpenter, is listed in the St Saviour's Token Books as a resident at Rochester House in the liberty of the Clink between 1606 and 1619; see Ingram and Nelson, Token Books. His will is dated 22 May 1619; see Honigman and Brock, Playhouse Wills, pp 114-16. Katherens subsequently employed John Browne, a bricklayer; see Indenture between Gilbert Katherens and John Browne. The bond for £600 from Katherens to Henslowe and Meade the same day also survives; see Warner, Catalogue, p 241 and Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.
For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.
29 August 1613; English; parchment; single membrane; 505mm x 340mm; small vellum fragment has become detached, leaving a hole 30mm x 10mm; parchment ribbon for seal; endorsed: 'Sealed and Deliuered in the presence of | witnes Moyses Bowler | Edwarde Griffin.' Also endorsed in two different hands with the words added by Alleyn: 'Gilbert Katherens | articles & bond.'