f [1] (14 January)
My duetye humblye don to your Lordshipp, I haue accordinge to your Lordships direction by your Lettres reformed the Catalog of victuallers howses infected within the Liberties of this Citie from the xiij⸢th⸣ daie of Novembre last beinge within the twoo monethes apointed by your former Lettres/ which I haue don as your Lordship willed with advise of Mr Norton, who informeth me that he hathe herein had speciall regard to two thinges, the one to give suche plaine discription and note of the stretes and places as maye serve for easye notyce to suche as repaire to this Citie, the other that it be in suche shortenes as maye be brought into Lesse than one face of a shete of papre to be fixed in places Convenient. It maye please your Lordship also to consider of the places, which I haue thought good to signifie after my opynion in the note inclosed, havinge respecte to westminster and the waye thither, and the entrance alwaies into this Citie/ ffurther I thought good to move your Lordship to the same intent, that in terme tyme vsuallye in maner all the howses in ffletestrete and the stretes and Lanes adioyning, as also without Temple barre do vse Lodginge vitaillinge or Lettinge out of Chambers whether it be not your pleasure that all suche howses in those parrtes, as do so Lodge and Lett out Chambers, thoughe they be not otherwise vsuallie vitaillers be Likewise noted yf they haue ben infected within the space of those two monethes, I do humblie thanke your Lordship for your honorable and Lovinge Care of this Citie in the saide matter of infection and the repaire of the Quenes subiectes hither And for my own parte will not faile in diligens by your direction accordinge to my duetie, It may please your Lordship to be further advertised (which I thinke you haue alredie hard) of a greate mysshappe at Parise gardeine, where by ruyn of all the scaffoldes at once, ysterdaie a greate nombre of people, are some presentlie slayne, and some maymed and greavouslie hurte, It giveth greate occasion to acknowledge the hande of god for suche abuse of the sabboth daie and moveth me in Consciens to beseche your Lordship to give order for redresse of suche contempt of gods service, I haue to that ende treated with some Iustices of peace of that Countie, who signifie them selfes to haue verye good zeale, but alledge want of Comyssion, whivh we humblie referre to the Consideracion of your honorable wisedome, And so I Leve to trowble your Lordship/ At london the xiiij⸢th⸣ of Ianuarye 1582/
Your Lordships humble
(signed) Thomas Blank Maior
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event. The EMLoT event is based on the Letterbook copy.
Record title: Letter from the Lord Mayor to Lord Burghley
Shelfmark: Lansdowne 37
Repository location: London
Among other concerns, Sir Thomas Blank, the lord mayor of London, reports here on the tragic incident at the Bear Garden in 1582/3 which must have occurred at the site of the Bell and Cock where 'Payne's Standings' was located. See Holinshed's record of the event, Third Volume of Chronicles. A Letterbook copy is also found in the Remembrancia I (LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/001, ff 226–6v), wrongly dated 18 January.
14 January 1582/3; English; paper; 31mm x 21mm (written on f 1 only); bifolium; no decoration; good condition; originally folded twice, remains of seal on f 2v, and addressed: 'To the right honorable my | singler good Lorde my Lorde | highe Tresurer of Englande.' Now bound as ff 8–9v (no 4) in a collection of Burghley Papers in a brown board and buckram volume with brown leather spine and edges, gold tooled decorative strips on the spine with the title stamped in gold: 'BURGHLEY | PAPERS. | 1582. 1583. | BRIT. MUS. | LANSDOWNE | MS. | 37'.