Letter of William Fleetwood to Lord Burghley

BL: Lansdowne 37

f [2] (13 January)


Vpon the same daye the violaters of the Sabothe were all punished by godes providens at Paris garden and as I was wryting of these last wordes loo here is a booke sett downe vpon the same matter/


  • Endnote

    Dr John Dee also noted the event in a marginal diary entry for 13 January 1582/3 in his copy of Stadius' Ephemerides, 'Annvs Repartae Salvatis 1583' (Bodl.: Ashmole 487, sig Lllll). He added the reproving comment: 'The godly expownd it as a due plage of God for the wickednes ther usid, and the Sabath day so profanely spent'; see The Private Diary of Dr John Dee, James Orchard Halliwell (ed), Camden Society, os, 19 (London, 1842), 18.

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Letter of William Fleetwood to Lord Burghley
    Repository: BL
    Shelfmark: Lansdowne 37
    Repository location: London

    The letter from Fleetwood, the recorder of London (1571–91), concerns various matters and encloses 'A 'Dyarie' (ff 11–12) of the previous week's activities, including this note of the disaster at the Bear Garden on Bankside. For a full transcription of the letter see Chambers and Greg, 'Lansdowne Manuscripts,' pp 160–3.

    The reference to 'a booke sett downe vpon the same matter' is likely to John Field's A godly exhortation, published within a week of the incident with a dedication to the lord mayor, Fleetwood, and to the aldermen of the City.

    19 January 1582/3; English; paper; 4 leaves; 32mm x 21mm; no decoration; good condition; originally folded twice, remains of seal on f 4, and addressed: 'To the right honorable | & my singuler good Lord | my Lord Treasourer of England | in hast |.' Now bound as ff 10–13v (no 5) in a collection of Burghley Papers in a brown board and buckram volume with brown leather spine and edges, gold tooled decorative strips on the spine with the title stamped in gold: 'BURGHLEY | PAPERS. | 1582. 1583. | BRIT. MUS. | LANSDOWNE | MS. | 37.

  • Manuscript Images

    © British Library Board, Lansdowne MS 37/f 11

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