David Watson's Lease of a Plot next to the Bear Garden to Thomas Burnaby

TNA: C 146/8578

single membrane (10 November)

This Indenture made the Tenthe daie of november In the two and thirtith yere of the reigne of <...> soueraigne Ladie Elizabet<...> the <.>ra<.>e <.>f god Queene of Englande ffra<..>ce and Irelande defender of the fay<..> <...> Betwen<.> david Watsonn of the parryshe of St Salviors in s<..>thwarke <....> countie of Surrey Taylor on thone partie, And Thomas Bvrnabey of Watforde in the Countie of Northamptonshire gentleman on thother partie witnesseth, t<..> the saide Davide Wattson for divers good causes and consideracions him herevnto moving Hath demised graunted and to ferme letten And by theis presentes dothe demise graunte and to ferme lett vnto the saide Thomas Bvrnabey All that pece or percell of Grounde gardeine or gardein pl<...> with thappurtenaunces n<.>w<.> inclosed by the saide Thomas Bvrnabey and beinge in the tenure or occupacion of the saide Thomas Bvrnabey and late in thoccupacion of the saide david wattsonne lyinge and beinge in the paryshe of Salviors aforesaide behinde the bearegardein there and lately devided and taken from a garden or gardein plott to the same next adioyninge on the West side nowe in thoccupacion of the saide Davide or his assignes and late beinge parte and parcell of the same Garden which saide demised gard<...> with thappurtenaunces is extendinge and boundinge as herevnder is mentiond .viz. on the bearegarden towardes the northe the common s<..>er or dittch towardes thest the common sewer or ditche towardes the southe & the gardein nowe in thoccupacion of the saide Davide or his assignes towardes the weste To haue and to holde the saide gardein or gardein plott with thappurtenaunces vnto the saide Thomas Bvrnab<.>y, his ex<..>cutours administratours and assignes from the feaste daie of Th<.>nnunciacion of our blessed Virgine Marie laste paste before the date hereof vnto thende and ter<.>e of Twentie and one yeres <...> nexte ensuin<..> and fullie to be compleate and ended yeldinge and payinge therefore yerelie during the saide terme vnt<.> the <...> Wattsonne his executours and ad<.>st<..>tours or assignes Sixe poundes of lawefull monney of E<.>glande att two vsuall feastes in t<.>e yere tha<.> is to s<...> feaste of St Michaell tharchangell <..>d Thannunciacion of our blessed Virgine Marie by even porcions And yf yt happen the said yerelie rent of S<..>e <....>des <...> behinde and vnpaide <...> over or after anie ‸⸢the saide⸣ feaste daie of payement by the space of fourtene daies next after the same feaste daies in which <...> to be paide and Lawfullie dema<.>unded That then and from hencefourthe yt shall and maie be lawefull to and for the saide Davide Wattsone h<.>s executours or assignes in <....> gardein or gardeine plott with t<..>ppurte<.....>es wholie to rec<....> and the same to have againe retaine and repossede as in his or theire former <...> therein Conteyned to <...> C<...> notwithstandinge And the saide Thomas Bvrnabey for him, his executours and administrators doth co<...> and graunt <...> and with the saide Davide Wattsonne his executours administratours and assignes by theis presentes in manner and forme followinge that is to saie That he the said Thom<.>s <..>rnabey his executours a<.....> tratours or assignes from tyme to tyme duringe the saide terme When and as often as nede shall require shall and will repaire mak<...> and amende in and by all manner of reparacions Whatsoeuer aswell the fence pale and inclosure devidinge and seperatinge the demised premisses and the gardein of <...>avide Wa<.>sonne as also the fences p<.>les and inclosures of the baregardeine in suche convenient manner as the saide davide his executours or assignes shall not <..>cea<...> losses spoyle hurte or damadge in his gardein aforesaid by reason of anie Dogges beares or otherwise And shall Clense caste <.....> and make cleane the common sewer or ditche to the demised premisses belonginge or appurteyninge When as often as nede shall require and the same premisses <...> and sufficientlie <...> maynteyne <...> of the saide terme of twentie and one yeres shall leave surrender and yeld vp to the saide davide Wattsone his executours ad<...>str<...> and assignes and the saide david Wattsone for him his executours and assignes Dothe Covennte and graunte to and with the saide Thomas Bvrnabey his ex<.>cut<...>s <..>d assignes by theis presentes That he the saide Thomas Bvrnabey his executours administratours and assignes and euery of them for and vnder the paymente of the <...> yerelie rente of sixe poundes <...> of the Covenauntes grauntes and articles one his and theire partes to be performed shall or maie peac<...> quietlie haue holde occupie and enioye the saide demis<..> garden or gardein plott with thappurteanaunces without anie lett troble or interrupcion of the saide da<....> wattsone his executours or assignes within duringe all the saide terme of twentie and one yeres In witnes whereof the parties as <...> sunderlie sett theire handes and sealles. Yeaven the Daie and yere firste above wrytten 1590

The marke X of the saide david watson Sealled and deliuered in the presence of me George martin notarie publique
(signed) L. Sapieir
  • Footnotes
    • This … made: written in display script
    • witnesseth: in display script
    • To haue and to holde: in display script
    • <...>: 35mm damaged
    • yeldinge and payinge: written in display script
    • <...>: 35mm damaged
    • <...>: 30mm damaged
    • And yf: written in display script
    • <...>: 18mm damaged
    • <...>: 45mm damaged
    • <...>: 32mm damaged
    • <.>: 28mm damaged
    • <...>: 90mm damaged
    • <...>: 5mm damaged
    • <...>: 45mm damaged
    • And the saide: written in display script
    • <...>: 15mm damaged
    • <...>: 15mm damaged
    • <...>: 37mm damaged
    • <...>avide: 35mm damaged
    • <...>: 10mm damaged
    • <...>: 40mm damaged
    • <...>: 50mm damaged
    • and: written in display script
    • Covennte: for covenaunte; mark of abbreviation missing
    • <...>: 50mm damaged
    • peac<...>: 30mm damaged
    • In witnes: written in display script
    • <...>: 105mm damaged
  • Endnote

    This lease between Watson and Burnaby is mentioned in Alleyn's Writings of the Bear Garden, Early 17th Century.

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: David Watson's Lease of a Plot next to the Bear Garden to Thomas Burnaby
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: C 146/8578
    Repository location: Kew

    David Watson, tailor of Southwark, conveyed his lease of a messuage lying immediately to the south of the Bear Garden at the Bell and Cock to Thomas Burnaby, a gentleman of Watford, Northampton, for £6 per annum. A primary interest of the document for this collection is the reference to potential damage arising from the proximity to the beasts of the bearbaiting enterprise for the owners of the adjoining property to the west which presumably was part of the Unicorn land. A month later Burnaby's lease of the Bear Garden to Richard Reve was confirmed; see Thomas Burnaby's Lease of the Bear Garden to Richard Reve.

    10 November 1590; single membrane; parchment; English; 445mm x 220mm; unnumbered; elaborated first initial 'T' for 'This,' some words in large black letters for emphasis; poor condition, many letters faded or lost; indenture, endorsed on the back: 'Davyd Watson his | lease to Mr Burneby | made anno 1590.| 24.' Stored in a small modern box.

  • Manuscript Images

    The National Archives (UK), ref. C 146/8578

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