single sheet (1 August)
To all
Christeynn People to whome this presente writinge shall Come Iohan Payne of ffremaulte in the
parishe of Kingescleare in the County of Southhampton wyddow Late the wyeff of William Payne Late of Southwark in the County of Surrey yeoman diseased and Administratrixe of all and
Singular the goodes cattelles and chattelles credited
Rightes and dutyes which Late wear the said william Paynes at
the tyme of his decease sendeth greetinge in our Lord god everlastinge
Wheras the Late Reuerent ffather in god Lat Lord Steauen
bishopp of winchester by his
Indenture of Lease beringe date the Sixt day of march in the xxxith yeare of the Raigne of our Late Souerraigne
Lord of most ffamus memory kinge Henry the Eight did graunt demise and to ffarme let
vnto the said william Payne and his assignes certaine Capitall meases and Tenementes called the barge
the Bell and the Cocke
with Thappurtenances set Lyinge and beinge vppon the banke Called Stewes nowe in the parishe of St maryes and
late in the parishe of St
margarete in Southwarke
afforsaid buttinge and lyinge againste the kinges highe way next the water
of Thamis on the north sid and against a Tenement Called the Rose on the east Sid and Against a Tenement somtimes the Lady Stratfordes on the weste
sid and against a Lane called maiden
lane on the south sid together with all the Small housses gardens
and wharfes with ther appurtenances and all other profytes and
Comodites comminge and groweinge in and vpon the sam or in any part therof
therto belonginge or in any wys apertaininge To haue and to hould all the
afforsaid Cappitall measses and Tenementes called the barge the
bell and the Cocke and all the Small housses gardens and wharfes with ther
appurtenances and with all other profites and Commodites
to them belonginge or in any wyse appertaininge vnto the said william Payne and his
assignes from the feates of the Annunciatione of
our Lady next ensuinge the date of the said Indenture of Lease vnto thend
and Terme of ffourscore and nynteene yeares then next followinge and ffully to be
Compleat and ended Yealdinge and payinge therfore yearly to the forsaid Lord Steauen
bishope of wynchester and to his Successores nyn shillinges and
Seuen pence of good and Lawfull mony of England at Two termes of the yeare by euen
porcions that is to say at the feast of Thannunciatione of our Lady iiij s. ix
d. ob. and at the feast of St
michell Tharchangell iiij s. ix d. ob. as in and by the same Indenture of
Lease wherin other Couenantes and Artickles ar Comprised at Larg more
plainly it doth and may appere/ Now knowe yee that I the said Iohan Payne by vertue
of Letteres of Administrationes of all and Singuler the good
chatell and Cattelles Rightes and duties of the said William Paine
to mee Committed for diuers and Sundry good Causses and Ressonable
Considerations mee especially mouinge haue giuen granted assigned and set ouer and
by this my present writinge doe giue graunt assigne and set ouer vnto my
welbelowed Iohn
Payne White of
Southwarke afforsaid yeoman and to Iohn
maulthows of ffremalt afforsaid yoman aswell the said Indentur of Lease as
all my estate right title Intrest demand and terme of yeares which I the
said Iohan haue yet to Come of and in the said Capitall meases and
Tenementes Called the Barge the bell and the Cock and of and in
all the small houses gardens wharfes and all other the premises
with all and singuler thappurtenaunces by vertue of the said
Indentur of Lease of the said william Payne therof made To haue and to hould
the said Indentur of Lease and the said Cappitall measses and
Tenementes Called the barg the bell and the Cock and all small
houses gardenes wharffes and all other the premises with
all and singular Thappurtenances to the said Iohn whit and Iohn malthows ther
executors and assignes from the day of the dat of theis presente writinges
vnto the full end and terme of all the yeares yet to Come by vertue of the
said Indenture of Lease yealding and paiing doeinge and performinge Therfor yearly all and
euery thing and thinges which by vertue of the said Indenture of
Leasse ar and ought to be yealded payed and performed for the same In
witness wherof to this my present writing I haue put my hand and Seale
dated the first day of Agust in the xxiiijth yere of the
Raigne of our Sauerraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England
fraunce and Ireland Queene defendour of the fait etc.
Sealed and deliuered in the presentes of
Ralph Iohnson Clark
Iohn vpton with others
The mark X of Iohan payne
The mark of X Iohn Henwod
The mark of X Iohn vpton
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.
Record title: Joan Payne's Lease of the Barge, Bell and Cock to John White and
John Malthouse
Shelfmark: Egerton MS 2623
Repository location: London
After the death of Thomas Warram, Joan Payne assigned the lease of the Barge, Bell and Cock on Bankside to John White and John Malthouse, named as her executors in her will of 3 November 1582 (TNA: PROB 11/64/533, proved 3 December 1582). In her will, she bequeathed to her executors 'a certaine obligation' specifying of a pair of indentures between herself and Thomas and Margery Warram, possibly the assignment of 1575; see Joan Payne's Lease of Barge, Bell and Cock to Thomas Warram. John White is cited as an oarmaker of Saint Saviour in her will and John Malthouse as keeper of Freemantle Park in Southampton.
This record is a contemporary copy of the original lease (unlocated as yet), collected by John Payne Collier by 1882 and possibly taken originally from the Dulwich College archive by Edmund Malone.
1 August 1582; paper; English; single sheet; 297mm wide x 390mm; good condition; no decoration. Now folded in half, glued and mounted on a guard leaf, numbered 13–14, and bound with other miscellaneous 16th–18th-c. papers collected by John Payne Collier into a volume with dark brown leather-covered boards with gold tooling, title on spine: 'DRAMATIC | MISCELLANIES | M-S. || BRIT.MUS. || EGERTON | 2623. | (FARNE).'