Joan Payne's Lease of Barge, Bell and Cock to Thomas Warram

TNA: E40/12582

single sheet (8 April)

This Indenture made the Eight daie of Aprill in the yere of our Lord god a thowsand five honndred threescore and ffyfteene And in the Seavententhe yere of the raigne of our soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffraunce and Ireland Queene defendour of the faithe &c Betweene Iohan Payne of Ibworthe within the parishe of Hannyton in the Countie of Southhampton wyddowe late the wieffe of william Payne late of Sowthwark in the Countie of Surrey yoman deceassed and administratrix of all and singler the goodes cattalls and chaittells credible rightes and duties which late were the said william Payne at the tyme of his decease of thone partie and Thomas warram of Ibworthe foresaid husband on thother partie wytnessethe that whereas the late Reverend father in god late lord Steven Bysshop of wynchester by his Indenture of lease bearing daite the vjth daie of marche in the xxxjth yere of the raigne of our late soueraigne Lord of most famous memorye Kinge Henry the eight did demyse graunte and to ferme lett vnto the said william Payne and his assignes certen capytall messes and tenementes called the barge the bell, and the cocke with thappurtenaunces setlyinge and beinge vppon the bancke called the Stewes then in the parishe of Saint Maryes and late in the parishe of St margarettes in Sowthwark aforesaid buttinge & lyinge against the kinges highe waie next the water of thames on the northe side, and agaynst the tenemente called the rose on the east side and agaynst the tenemente sometymes the ladie of Stretforde on the west side and agaynst a lane called Mayden lane on the southe side together withall the smale howses gardens and wharffes with there appurtenaunces and all the profittes and commodyties comynge and growing in & vppon the same <....> anye parte thereof ‸⸢therto⸣ belonginge or in anye wise appurteynynge/ To haue and to hold all the foresaid capytall messes and tenementes called the barge, the bell and the cocke and all the smale tenementes or howses gardens and wharffes with there appurtenaunces and with all there profittes & comodyties to them belonging or in any wise appurteynynge vnto the said william Payne and his assignes from the feast of Thannunciacon of our blessed Ladie next ensuynge the daite of the same Indenture of lease vnto the end and terme of ffowrescore and nynetene yeres then next followinge and fullie to be compleated and ended/yeldinge and payinge therefore yerelie to the foresaid Lord Steven Bysshop of wynchester and to his Successours nyne shillinges and Seaven pence of good and lawfull money of England at twoo termes of the yere by even porcions that ys to saie at the feast of the Annunciacion of our ladie iiij s. ix d. ob. and at the feast of Saint Mighell tharchaungell iiij s. ix d. ob. As by the same Indenture of lease thereof made (wherein other Covenauntes and articles are comprized at lardge more playnelie yt doithe and maye appeare/ wherevppon nowe yt ys Covenaunted graunted condiscended concluded and fullie agreed by these presente by and betweene the said parties in manner and forme hereafter in this presente Indenture declared (that ys to saie) the said Iohan Payne by vertue and vnder aucthoritie aswell of the said Lettres of Administration as also of the lease aforesaide haithe demysed graunted betaken and to ferme letten and by these presentes doithe demyse graunte betake and to ferme lett to the said Thomas Warram and margery his wieffe and to Elizabeth warram dawghter of the said Thomas and Margery All the aforesaid messes and tenementes before named and all other the premisses with there appurtenaunces before specyfyed demysed and graunted in and by the said recyted Indenture of lease set lyinge and beinge and abbuttinge as aforesaid/ To haue and to hold all the foresaid Capytall measses and tenementes and all and singler other the premisses with there appurtenaunces before demysed to the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe and there assignes from the feast of Thannunciacion of our blessed ladie Saint Marye the virgin nowe last past before the daite hereof for and duringe all the Residue yetto come and unexpired of all the said terme of fowrescore and nynetene yeres graunted as aforesaid by the said Recyted Indenture of lease yf the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe or either of them shall solonge lyve/ And yf yt shall happen the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe to departe this mortall world before thend or expiracion of the terme of yeres before graunted, Then to haue and to hold the said measses and tenementes called the barge, the bell, and the Cocke, and all other the premisses with all and singler there appurtenaunces to the foresaid Elizabeth warram and to suche other children as are or shalbe begotten by the said Thomas warram of the bodye of the said Margery his wieffe and to there assignes and to the executours administratours and assignes of the Survyvours and Survyvours of them from and after the deathe and deceasse of the Survyvours of the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe from thensforthe duringe the whole Residues then to come and vnexpired of all the said terme of ffowrescore and nynetene yeres graunted as aforesaid by the said recyted Indenture of lease/ yeldinge and paying therefore yerelie duringe the said terme to the said Iohan Payne or her assignes duringe the said terme (yf the said Iohan Payne shall so longe lyve) aswell the said yerelie Rent of nyne shillinges and seaven pence of good and lawfull money of England for and in the name of the rent resserued by the said Recyted Indenture of lease As also the some of Thirteene poundes sixe shillinges and eight pence of like lawfull money of England over and above the said some of ix s. vij d. at the nowe messuage or tenemente of the said Thomas warram set and beinge at Ibworthe aforesaid at fowre vsuall feastes or termes in the yere (that ys to saie) at the feastes of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptist Saint Mighell tharchaungell the Byrthe of our lord god and Thannunciacion of our blessed ladie Saint Marye the virgin by even porcions/ And also the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe and the said Elizabeth warram and other the fermers or lessees of the premisses at there owne proper costes and chardges accordinge to the seuerall tymes of there seuerall estates and termes before lymytted fyndinge and provydinge to and for the said Iohan Payne duringe all the said terme of yeres before graunted (yf the same Iohan shall solonge lyve) suffycyent meate drincke wrynginge and wasshinge howseroome and fyer in suche like manner order sorte and forme as the same Iohan haithe heretofore had the same of the same Thomas warram withowte frawde Coven or Collucion in anye manner of wise/ And yf yt shall happen the said yerelie Rent of ix s. vij d. or xiij li. vj s. viij d. or either of them or anye parte or parcell of them to be behinde vnpaid in parte or in all at the place aforesaid by the space of Twentie daies next over or after anye of the said feastes or termes of paymente thereof above lymetted in the which the same ought to be paid Or yf the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe and Elizabeth warram and others the fermers or lessees of the premisses do not or shall not fynde and provyde to and for the said Iohan Payne suffycyent meate drincke wrynginge and wasshinge howseroome and fyer in manner and forme as aforesaid duringe all the said terme (yf the same Iohan shall so longe lyve That then and at all tymes after in euery suche case yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the said Iohan Payne her executours administratours and assignes into the said measses and tenementes and all and singler other the premisses with there appurtenaunces before demysed wholie to reenter And the same premisses and euery parte and parcell of the same as in her former estate to haue agayne retaigne and reposseede This Indenture or anye thinge abovesaid to the contrary hereof in anye wise notwithstandinge And also yt ys Covenaunted graunted and agreed by and betweene the said parties by those presentes that the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe and the said Elizabeth warram and all other the lessees before appoynted and there seuerall executours administratours and assignes accordinge to the seuerall estates to them before lymytted and appoynted for paymentes of the said yerelie rentes of ix s. vij d. and xiij li. vj s. viij d. before Reserued in manner and forme as before ys declared and performynge of thother Covenauntes before declared and for paymente after the deceasse of the said Iohan duringe the residue then to come and unexpired of the said terme of ffowrescoore and nyneteene yeres the said yerelie Rent of ix s. vij d. reserued by the said orygynall lease and performynge also from thensforthe of the Covenauntes therein conteyned on the lessees behalf to be performed shall or maye by vertue thereof peaciblie and quyetlie haue holde occupie possesse and enioye the said measses and tenementes & all other the premisses with there appurtenaunces before demysed duringe the Residue yetto come and unexpired of all the said terme of ffowrescoore and nyneteene yeres graunted by the said orygenall lease withowte anye lawfull lett denyall interrupcion or evucion of the said Iohan Payne her executours administratours or assignes or of anye of them or of anye other person or persons by her or there meanes assentes titles or procurementes other then the lessees & fermers of all and so muche of the premisses as before thensealinge and delyuerye hereof were graunted or demysed by wrytinge or otherwise by the said william Payne & Iohan his wieffe or either of them or by anye other by there or either of there consent appoyntemente of procuremente And also that the said Thomas warram and Margery his wieffe and the said Elizabeth warram and the children aforesaid and their assignes accordinge to there seuerall estates hereby graunted payinge and performynge the seuerall rentes and condicions before Reserued and declared shall or maye by vertue hereof peaciblie and quyetlie haue hold Perceave receave take and enioye to there owne proper vses and behowffe from hensforthe all the rentes Revenues and yerelie profittes whatsoeuer which ys or ben Reserued vppon all and euery of the leases before excepted and graunted heretofore made or graunted to anye person or persons of the premisses or of anye parcell thereof by the said william Payne and Iohan his wieffe or either of them as aforesaid for and duringe the Contynuance of the same seuerall leases withowte anye lett interrupcion or denyall of the said Iohan Payne her executours and administratours or assignes or anye of them And also yt ys Covenaunted & agreed by and betweene the said parties by these presentes that the said Iohan Payne or her assignes duringe the said terme graunted by these presentes (yf she so longe do lyve) shall paie or cause to be paid the said yerelie rent of ix s. vij d. reserued by the said orygynall lease accordinge to the tenour and true meanynge thereof And of the same rent shall clerelie acquyte or otherwise suffycyentlie dischardge all and singler the premisses and euery parcell thereof In wytnes whereof the parties furst above named to these presente Indentures sunderlie haue set there Seales Yeavon the daie and yere furst above written//

Sigillata signata et Deliberata per prefatum Thomam Warram tam pro semetipso quam pro vxore et filio suo in presetia (signed) Magistri Rogeri Roo Scribe et nostrorum Ricardi Thomas ac Iohannis Browne seruientium dicti Scribe et Caroli Taylor et Iohannis White.

signum X dicti
Caroli Taylor
signum Xdicti Iohannis
  • Footnotes
    • This Indenture made: in display script
    • wytnessethe: in display script
    • xxxjth yeare: 1539/40
    • tenemente sometymes the ladie of Stretforde: the Unicorn
    • <....>: letters faded and illegible
    • To haue and to: in display script
    • yeldinge: in display script
    • (wherein … lardge: closing parenthesis missing
    • wherevppon: in display script
    • To haue and to: in display script
    • And yf yt shall: in display script
    • yeldinge and: in display script
    • And also: in display script
    • And yf yt shall: in display script
    • And also: in display script
    • And also: in display script
    • And also: in display script
    • In wytnes: in display script
    • Sigillata…White: flush to right margin of sheet
  • Record Translation

    single sheet (8 April)


    Sealed, signed, and delivered by the aforesaid Thomas Warram both on his own behalf and also on behalf of his wife and son in the presence of (signed) Mr Roger Roo, notary and of our Richard Thomas and John Browne, servants of the said notary, and (in the presence) of Charles Taylor and John White.

    The mark X of the said
    Charles Taylor
    The mark X of the said John
  • Glossed Terms
    • reposseede v tr repossede, to regain possession of
  • Endnote

    The endorsement on the indenture citing a case brought by George Hunt and his wife Elizabeth (daughter of Thomas and Margery Warram) against George Ireland and John Maulthowse is likely to be TNA: REQ 2/108/5 (1593-4). In their bill George and Elizabeth Hunt gave a date of death for William Payne of 25 October 1575 but, in view of the April 1575 date of this indenture, this is most likely an error.

    The bill recounts that George Ireland married Margery Warram after the death of Thomas Warram, and cites him as a friend of John Malthowse. Joan Payne assigned the lease of the Barge, Bell and Cock to Malthowse and John White in August 1582; see Joan Payne's Lease of the Barge, Bell and Cock to John White and John Malthouse, 1582. Malthowse is named as one of Joan Payne's executors in her will of November 1582 (TNA: PROB 11/64/533).

  • Document Description

    Record title: Joan Payne's Lease of Barge, Bell and Cock to Thomas Warram
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: E40/12582
    Repository location: Kew

    On 6 March 1540, the property of the bishopric of Winchester on Bankside, the Barge, Bell and Cock, was leased to William Payne for ninety-nine years by Bishop Stephen Gardiner. Payne held the head lease of the property for the following thirty-five years. By this counterpart indenture of April 1575, Joan Payne, recently widowed, was by this time resident in Ibworth, Hampshire, and had administration of her husband's estate. By this deed she assigned to her son-in-law, Thomas Warram, her daughter, Margery and her grand-daughter Elizabeth, the head lease of the Barge, Bell and Cock property; see the Introduction: History of the Properties.

    8 April 1575; English; paper; single sheet, written on one side only; 525mm x 449mm; ornate initial letter, some key words in display letters; indented, with two of three original red seals still attached on tabs; on dorse is written in a different hand at the bottom, reversed: 'A Lease in the cause | betweene George Hunt | and Elizabeth his wife | plaintiffes and George Ireland | and Iohn Maulthowse | defendentes.'/ Kept in a small paper envelope.

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