Letter from John Nurse to Edward Alleyn

Dulwich College: MS II

f [1] (23 June)

Sir, I requested mr ffacye to cum & bringe yow some mony from me I had cum my selfe vnto yow, but that I am to attend my lord Chamberleine this morninge, a boute procuringe his letter towchinge my baytinge, for the Iustices doe make opposicion against me, I haue sent yow x l. by mr ffacye, which I entreate yow would be pleased to accept of, I expect to receiue x l. fforty powndes one fryday next, which yf yt cum I will godwillinge make honest satisfaccion, I haue had some crosses for a freind of mine which I was enforced to disburse monyes vnexpected otherwise I should not haue missed yow of the full payment, at your retorne home god willinge I will waite vppon yow this hopinge yow will not conceive a misse of me, which my service, <....>t to your selfe & my landlady I rest

Your tennant to

Command (signed) Iohn

(signed) Nurse

Iune this 23th



  • Footnotes
    • lord Chamberleine: William Herbert (1580–1630), twenty-second earl of Pembroke, lord chamberlain, 1615–26
    • Command: 5 minims for mm
  • Endnote

    Edward Alleyn has scribbled notes below the letter to record various payments including one by 'Mr nurse at ye kinges armes on St margretes Hill - v l.' It is unclear why the JPs would have opposed Nurse's appointment as deputy for bearbaiting at the Bear Garden.

    For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Letter from John Nurse to Edward Alleyn
    Repository: Dulwich College
    Shelfmark: MS II
    Repository location: Dulwich

    This letter marks the first appearance of John Nurse as deputy at the Bear Garden, succeeding Jacob Meade who died in July 1624; for Meade's will, see Honigmann and Brock, Playhouse Wills, pp 134–8.

    For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.

    23 June 1625; English; bifolium; unnumbered; 152.5mm x 200mm; good condition; endorsed f [2v]. Foliated 80 in pencil by Warner; cited on page 81 of his Catalogue.

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