mb 1 (8 September)
Articles Covenauntes grauntes and agreements
Concluded and
agreed vppon this Eight daie of September anno domini
1613 Betwene
Gilbert Katherens of the
parishe of St
Saviour in
sowthworke within the
Countie of Surrey
Carpenter on thone
partie/ And Iohn Browne of
saide parisher of St S<...>
sowthworke Bricklaier on thother
as followeth (that is to saie)
Inprimis whereas the saide Gilbert Katherens in and by one deede indented, of Certaine Covenauntes grauntes articles and agreementes bearing date the 29th daie of August last past, hathe bounde himself vnto Phillipe Henslowe of the saide parish of St Saviour Esquire and to Iacob Maide of the parishe of St Olaves in sowthworke waterman for the New buildinge erecting and settinge vp of one Game place or plaie house, A bull howse and a stable neere or vppon the place whereas the Game place of the Beare garden now or latlie stoode, And to builde the same of as large A Compasse and height as the plaie howse called the Swan in the libertie of Parris Garden in the said parishe of St Saviour now ys. fyndinge therevnto all the tymber brickes tyles lyme heare sande laths nailes and all other thinges needfull and necessarie for the buildinge of the same, As by the saide deed relacion beinge had) more at large it dothe and maie appeire/ Wherevppon it is now Concluded and agreed vppon betwene the saide Gilbert Katherens on thone partie and the saide Iohn Browne on thother partie/ as followeth
Inprimis the saide Iohn Browne for him his executours administratours and assignes dothe Covenaunt and graunt to and with the saide Gilbert Katherens his executours administratours & assignes by theise presentes in manner and forme following (That is to saie) That he the saide Iohn Browne his executors administrators or assignes, at his or theire owne proper costs and charges shall and will with all the convenient speed he or they can or maie sufficientlie laie and make with good and sufficiente Brickes and morter all the foundacion of the saide Game place and plaie howse of suche, and that fassion, forme, and large compasse, as the saide plaie house Called the swan, now ys and shall make the saide foundacion ‸⸢good and⸣ sufficient vnder the grounde, and afoote and a halfe above the grounde/
Item well and sufficientlie to new Tyle with good and sufficient Englishe Tyles or slates, All the saide Game place or plaie house, and the tyringe howse there vnto belonginge. with somuch Convenient speed as he the saide Iohn Browne his executours administratours or assignes can or maie presentlie after the saide Game place plaie house and Tyringe house are Reared Or as they be arearinge the same
Item sufficientlie to make and finishe with <...> and sufficient harde laths nayles lyme sande and heare, all the walls in and about the saide plaie howse, And sufficientlie to Seile the heavens over the Stage and all Roomes convenient as are in the saide plaie house called the Swan
Item likewise to make the foundacion of the saide Bull howse and Stable with good and sufficient brickes a foote and a halfe above the grounde, and somuche as shalbe needffull vnder ye ground and to make all the walls of the saide Bull howse and stable, and to tyle the same, with good and sufficient tyles morter lyme heare, sande, harde laths nailes, and all other things belonginge to bricklayers worke without fraude or coven/
Item for the doinge finishinge and performing of all the saide workes, The saide Gilbert Katherens for himself his executours administratours and assignes dothe Covenaunt and graunt to and with the saide Iohn Browne his executours administratours and assignes, That he the saide Gilbert Katherens his executours administrattours or assignes shall and will well and sufficient satisfie content and paie, or cause to be well and trulie satisffyed Contented and paide vnto the saide Iohn Browne his executours administratours or assignes the somme of ffower score pounds of good and lawffull monie of England in manner and forme followinge (That is to saie) when the saide Iohn Browne his executours administratours or assignes doe bringe into the saide house or howses brickes, tyles, laths, or any other needffull or necessarie stuffe for the finishinge and doinge of the worke aforesaide, To paie for all the saide Bricke tyles laths nayles or any of the stuffe aforesaide, as they or any of them shalbe brought into the saide house or houses/ Soe alwaies that the saide Iohn Browne his executours administrators or assignes shall haue somuche of the stuffe aforesaide in the saide house or the yarde there, as shall amounnte vnto ‸⸢or be worthe⸣ the somme of Tenn poundes of lawffull monie of England, more then the monie he shall haue receaved vntill all the saide workes be fullye finished and done in suche good & sufficient forme, order, and fassion as it ought to be, accordinge to thentent and true meaninge hereof And then to haue the last Tenn pounds in full satisffacion of the saide somme of ffowerscore pounds/
Item yf the saide Iohn Browne doe make the saide foundacions above or more then Two footes in depenes or height, above or vnder the grounde, then the saide Gilbert Katherens his executours administratours or assignes is to paie him all charges for the doinge workmanshipe and for the stuffe thereof In witnes whereof the saide Iohn Browne byndeth him selfe to the saide Gilberte Katherens by theise presentes, And hathe herevnto sett his hande and seale the daie and yere firste above written
Sealed and deliuered in
the presence of (signed) Phillip henshylo (signed) Iohn Browne
(signed) Edward Griffin (signed) Iacob Med
Edward Griffin was a vestryman of St Saviour's in 1609 and a scrivener who acted with Henslowe in that capacity, both in the setting up of the Hope playhouse and baiting arena and in the quarrel between Henslowe and Robert Dabourne; see Articles of Grievance by Players against Philip Henslowe, 1615. After Henslowe died on 6 January 1615/16, Griffin was one of the appraisers of his estate and wrote the inventory, a copy of which he gave to Alleyn; see Chancery Court Depositions in the case of John Henslowe v. Agnes Henslowe, Edward Alleyn, and Roger Cole, 1616 and Appendix 4: I. g; see also Rendle, 'Philip Henslowe,' p 156; TNA: C 24/431/48.
For an abstract of this record and details of its transcription in other printed sources, see the related EMLoT event.
Record title: Indenture between Gilbert Katherens and John Browne
Repository: Dulwich College
Shelfmark: Mun 51
Repository location: Dulwich
On 29 August 1613, ten days before the date of this document, Henslowe and Jacob Meade had contracted with carpenter Gilbert Katherens to demolish the Bear Garden and erect on the property the Hope, a dual purpose playhouse and animal baiting arena; see Gilbert Katherens' Contract with Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade for Rebuilding the Bear Garden By this indenture, Katherens recruited a bricklayer, John Browne. While there is no similar sure identification for John Browne, a bricklayer of the same name appears in the vestry minutes of St Saviour in July 1616, leasing some tenements with a view to their rebuilding; see Nelson and Ingram, Parish of St Saviour.
For an image of the original manuscript, see Ioppolo, Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project.
8 September 1613; English; parchment; single sheet; English; 450mm x 275mm; seal missing; no endorsement.