Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape

TNA: REQ 2/177/35

Item 7, single membrane (11 February 1583/4) (Answer of John Digges and John Gape)

The Aunswere of Iohn Digges and Iohn Gape Defendantes
to the Byll of Complainte of Edward Bowes Esquier

The sayde defendantes by protestacion not acknoledginge the matters in the sayde Byll of Complainte Sett forthhe and declared to be trewe in manner and fforme as they are in the sayde Byll Suggested, the advauntage of exepcion ‸⸢to⸣ the vncerteyntye and Insufficiencye wherrof vnto thes defendantes at all tymes hearafter Saved, and ffor playne Declaracion of the truthe of the matters therin Conteyned sayethe that trewe yt ys as this defendantes takethe ytt, That Steven Late Byshoppe of wynton by his Indenture beringe date the sixte daye of marche in the xxxjth yeare of the Reigne of the late kinge of famus memorye kynge Henrye the eighte did demyse and to ffarme Lett vnto one william Payne nowe decessed certeine Capitall messuages and Tenementes Called the Barge the Bell and the Cocke Scituate and beinge vppon the Banke Somtyme Called the Stewes buttinge and lyinge as in the sayde byll is declared, with divers ‸⸢other⸣ smale howses gardens and wharfes and all the commodities and profittes Cominge in and vppon the same or anye parte therof for the terme of fowerscore and nynteine years to be accompted from the feaste of thanunciacion of our Ladye Saint Marye the virgin nexte ensuinge the date of the same Indenture ffor the yearlye Rente of ix s and sixe pence payable yearlye at the ffeaste of Saint mychaell tharkangell and thanunciacion of our Ladye Sainte marye the virgin by even porcons, which sayde lease was lawfullye Confirmed and alowed of by the then Deane and chapiter of wynton, By vertue wherof the sayde william payne did enter into the sayde messuages and other the premisses and was possessed accordinglye, which sayde messuages are nowe called the ovlde beare Garden or parishe garden and vsed and Imployede for the kepinge and baytinge of Boulles beares and other games as in the sayde Byll theye are Sett forthe and declared, And afterwardes at or aboute the tyme mencionede in the sayde Byll as this defendantes thinkethe the sayde william Payne did demise and graunte the sayde Smale howses, gardens, and wharffes parcell of the premisses by the name of the Tenementes, beere howses, Bullhowse, yeardes, and baytinge place, vnto one Edwarde wystowe by forse of which demise & graunte, The sayde Edwarde wystowe did Enter into all the Same laste demysed premisses and was therof possessed accordingelye as in the sayde Byll is declared, and he soe beinge therof possessed did graunte assigne and sett over the same premisses and all his estate Righte tytle Intereste and terme of yeares therin then to come and the wryttinges and Indentures therof vnto one Iohn napton Citizen and grocer of london whoe by forse therof likwyse Entered in and to the same and was therof possessed muche to thentente as in the sayde Byll of Complaynte is declared as thes defendantes thinkethe, and whereas ‸⸢after⸣ the sayd Iohn napton soe beinge therof possessed by his Indenture or Writtinge by him Sealed and delyvered as his deed bering date the xxiiijth daye of marche in the one and twentyeth yeare of the Queens maiesties moste gratious Reigne that nowe is, ffor divers good Cawses and sideracons him movinge did graunte and assigne all his estate tytle and Intereste & terme of yeares in the premisses vnto the sayd Iohn Digges and Iohn Gape these defendantes whoe by Reason of the same entered & were lawfullye possessed of the premisses, vntyll by william Glover A persone mencioned in the sayde byll was °disspossessed° Againste whome the sayde Iohn Digges & Iohn Gape serued as in the sayde byll ‸⸢ ys declared⸣ whervnto he hathe pleded not gyltye, after divers extraordinarye devises, which deleyes deserveth noe ffavore/ without that that the sayd demise and graunte made to the sayde Iohn Digges and Iohn Gape, by the sayde Iohn Napton was made vppon vnlawfull and corrupte Chevisance and for Excessive vsurye, or Craftelye for to deceve the sayde morgane Pope as in the sayde byll is moste Slanderuslye alleaged which ‸⸢yf ytt we<..> trewe⸣may well ayde the sayde william Glouere at the Common lawe, were the same trewe without that the sayde Iohn Napton did alien assigne and sett over the sayde Tenementes beare garden, and all other the premisses with their appurtenaunces before the Lawfull °conveyance° as aforesayde made to the sayde defendantes, without that the sayd defendantes have anye deedes or writtinge apperteyninge to the sayde Supplycation as in the sayde byll is vntrulye Suggested to theire vnderstandinge, with that the sayde morgan pope and your maiesties Supplicante (by Credible Reporte) <........> knoweth the trewe tytle of your defendantes, as aforsayde, Thoughe the Complay°naunt° by harde dealinge doe seeke to ffrustrate the same and without that allsoe anye other matter or matters Thinge or thinges in the Sayde Byll of Complainte conteyned materiall in Lawe to be Aunswered vnto by these defendantes and in this Aunswer not confessed or avoyded trauersed denyed or otherwyse sufficientlye Aunswered vnto is trewe to these defendantes knowledge All which matters these defendantes are Reddye to Averr and prove as this honorable Courte shall awarde and prayethe to be dismissed with their Reasonable Costes and charges in this behalfe wrongfully susteyned

(signed) Agmondsham

  • Marginalia
    • °xjo die ffebruarie Anno
      Regine Elizabeth xxvj to°
  • Footnotes
    • thanunciacion: 4 minims for nun; abbreviation mark omitted
    • thanunciacion: 4 minims for nun; abbreviation mark omitted
    • one and twentyeth yeare: 1578–9
    • william Glover: possibly an interpolation
    • °disspossessed°: interpolation squeezed in
    • Complay°naunt°: °naunt°: interpolation squeezed in; possibly written over erasure
  • Glossed Terms
    • bol n bull; boole; boles, boulles pl
  • Document Description

    Record title: Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape
    Repository: TNA
    Shelfmark: REQ 2/177/35
    Repository location: Kew

    In this case of 1584, Edward Bowes launched a countersuit against John Digges and John Gape in the court of Requests regarding who was the rightful lessee of the Bear Garden on the Barge, Bell and Cock property. Edward Wistowe, after leasing the property from William Payne in 1572–3, had in 1578 assigned it to grocer John Napton. Napton, in serious financial difficulties, in March 1578-9 assigned it to his creditors Digges and Gape, and then in December 1579 to another creditor, the goldsmith Morgan Pope. Pope and Edward Bowes (a brother of Ralph Bowes, then Master of Bears) and William Glover began games there. Digges and Gape then brought suits against Bowes and Glover, possibly initially in the Southwark Assizes and in the King's Bench. From there the case was taken to the court of Requests. It seems the court's decision was in favour of Pope and Bowes, or there was a settlement, as between 1585–90 Pope retained control of the Bear Garden.

    See also Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham to the Lords of the Privy Council, and Court of Requests: Order in the case of Bowes v. Digges and Gape.

    Not much is known of Digges and Gape. John Digges seems likely to have been the illegitimate son of Edmund Tilney (1536–1610), master of the Revels, 1579–1610. He was a merchant taylor and an employee of the Revels Office from 1579 until 1585, though somewhat dodgy in character; see further William Streitberger, The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I's Court Theatre (Oxford, 2016), 148–9.

    1584; English and Latin; 8 items; unnumbered; tied with string at the top left corner:
    Item 1: 26 June 1584; paper; 17 leaves, written on one side only; approximately 345mm x 265mm, except for f [14] a torn fragment 272mm x 185mm; unnumbered; some fraying to edges; no decoration; no endorsement. Depositions on behalf of Edward Bowes, each leaf signed at the foot by the deponent in question or on his behalf.
    Item 2: undated; parchment; single membrane, written one side only; 575mm x 575mm; good condition; no endorsement. Interrogatories on behalf of Edward Bowes.
    Item 3: 22 June 1584; paper; 345mm x 255m; 8 leaves; written on one side only; unnumbered; good condition; no decoration; paper tie in top left corner. Depositions on behalf of John Digges and John Gape, each leaf signed by deponent or on his behalf.
    Item 4: undated; parchment; single membrane; 400mm x 285mm; hole (40mm x 50mm) at the foot but no loss of text; no decoration; no endorsement. Interrogatories on the behalf of John Digges and John Gape.
    Item 5: 20 June 1584; parchment; single membrane; 128mm x 435mm; good condition; no decoration; no endorsement. Rejoinder of John Digges and John Gape.
    Item 6: 6 May 1584; vellum; single membrane; 330mm x 450mm; good condition; no decoration; no endorsement. Replication of Edward Bowes.
    Item 7: 11 February 1583/4; vellum; single membrane; 340mm x 485mm (text area: 250mm x 455mm); no decoration; good condition; no endorsement. Answer of John Digges and John Gape.
    Item 8: 30 January 1583/4; parchment; single membrane; 360mm x 600mm; no decoration; generally good condition, 2 small holes but no loss of text; endorsed: 'Edwardus Bowes Esq versus Iohannem Gape et | Iohannem Digges defendentes,' left hand side: 'xxxo die Ianuarij Anno | Regni Regine Elizabethe Etc xxvito | fuit Breve de Privato Sigillo directum parti defendentis ad | comparendum Immediate sub pena C li. Etc | Vocetur per municionem,' followed by signatures, 'Thomas Se<..>on' and the second illegible. Bill of Complaint.

  • Manuscript Images

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