Item 8 (30 January) (Bill of Complaint)
To the Quenes most Excellent maiestie/
Humbly Complayninge sheweth and besecheth your moste excellent maiestie
Edwarde Bowes Esquire one of
your maiestes ordinary seruantes That whereas
Stephen Late Bishopp of Wynton by
his Indenture bearinge date the Sixt Daie of Marche in the one and thirteth
yere of the raigne of the Late kinge of famouse memory kinge henry the eighte your highnes Late
father did Demise and to ferme Lett vnto one William Payne nowe Deceassed Certen Cappitall
messuages and tenementes called the barge
the bell and the cocke scytuate
and beinge vpon the bancke sometyme called the Stewes buttinge and lyinge againste the
kinges highe Waie next to the Water of Thames on the northe side
with diuers other smalle howses gardens and warfes and all the
Commodyties and proffytes Comynge in and vppon the same or any parte
thereof for the terme of fourescore and nyntene yeres to be accompted from the feaste of
Thannunncyacion of our Lady St Mary the virgin next
ensuinge the date of the same Indenture ffor the yerely rente of nyne
shillinges and sixe pence paiable yerely att the feaste of St Michaell Tharchaungell and
Thannuncyacion of our Lady St Mary the virgin by evyn
porcions/ Which said Lease was Lawfully and sufficyently
confirmed and allowed of by the then deane and Chapter of wynton/ By vertue whereof the saide William
Payne did enter into the saide messuages and other the premisses and was thereof
possessed accordinglie, Which said messuages are nowe called the old beare garden or parishe
garden and vsed and imployed for the kepinge and baytinge of bulls
beares and other games/ And
whereas afterwardes aboute the moneth of ffebruary in the fiftenth yere of your highnes
raigne the saide william Payne did demyse and graunte the same premysses by
the name of the tenementes beare howses bull howse yardes and baytinge
place vnto one Edwarde wistowe for and
duringe so many yeres as the said william Payne then hadd to come therin/
By force of which demyse and graunte the saide Edwarde wistowe did enter
into all the same premysses and was thereof possessed accordinglie for and duringe
all the then residue of the said terme, And hee so beinge thereof possessed
afterwardes in or aboute the one & twentith yere of your highness raigne did
graunte assigne and sett ouer the same premysses and all his estate ryghte title
interest and terme of yeres therin then to come and the wrytinges and Indentures
thereof vnto one Iohn Napton
Citizen and grocer of
London, who by force thereof Lykewise entered in and to the same and was thereof
possessed for and Duringe all the then residue of the saide terme/ And whereas the
said Iohn napton so beinge thereof possessed by his Indenture or wrytinge by him
sealed and delyuered as his deede bearinge date the three and twentith daie of
December in the two and twentith yere of your maiesttes raigne for diuers
good causes and consideracions him therevnto movinge did demyse graunte and
to ferme Lett all the same premysses and the games proffyttes and Commodities
thereof vnto one morgan Pope
Citizen and goldsmith of
London for the terme of fourty yeres to be accompted from the feaste of St Michaell
tharchaungell last past before the date of the same Last menconed Indenture
with and vpon condicion therin conteyned That yf the said Iohn
napton his executors or assignes or any of them should well and truly paie or cause
to be pade to the said morgan Pope his executors or assignes the somme of
one hundreth and twenty poundes of good and Lawfull money of Englande att certen
daies in the saide Indenture Lymited nowe paste That then the saide Indenture should
cease Determyne and be vtterly Voide/ of and in paymente of which
somme of one hundreth and twenty poundes the said Iohn Napton his heires
executours administratours and assignes and euery of them did
faile and make defaulte/ By vertue of which demyse and Lease the said
morgan Pope into all the saide premysses did enter and was thereof possessed for and
duringe all the said terme of fourty yeres And so beinge thereof possessed
afterwardes after defaulte made of and in the paymente of the said somme of
one hundreth and twenty poundes by his sufficyent Deede in wrytinge for and in
consideracion of a greate somme of money to him by your
supplyant well and truly satisffyed and contented did alyen assigne and settouer the
said tenemente beare garden and all other the premysses with their
appurtenaunces and the said Indentures and wrytinges
aforesaid made of the conveyaunce thereof to the said morgan Pope to your saide
supplyant his executours & assignes for and duringe so many yeres of
the said terme of fourty yeres as were then to come and vnexpired./ By vertue
whereof your saide supplyant did enter in and to the same premysses and was thereof
possessed accordinglie and the rentes proffyttes and Commodyties
thereof did receyve and take to your supplyantes owne vse and
behouf. And in and aboute the same did place all the beares dogges and other such thinges which
your supplyant hath for the better seruice of your
maiesty in and concerninge your highnes game and pastyme The gouernement
and order whereof by and vnder the graunte or assignement of your maiestie
your supplyant hath beinge a place of Longe tyme vsed to and for those purposes and
most fytt for the same And for that cause cost your supplyant muche more dearer then
otherwise they should, And they there contynued vntill one Iohn Digges and Iohn Gape vpon malice towardes your supplyant by
reason that they haue by Casuall meanes gott into their handes and possessions the
said oryginall Indenture of Lease and confirmacion and other Indentures and
wrytinges towchinge and concerninge the conveyaunce and assignemente thereof in
righte belonginge to your said supplyant doe seeke to suppresse and
withhold the same from your said supplyant and by meanes thereof
thinckinge that your said supplyant for the wante thereof shall nott be able to
maynteyne and make prouffe of his righte and Lawfull title in and to the same haue
made sundry vnlawfull entryes in and to the same premysses, and haue nowe of Late
Commenced suite in your highnes Courte Commonly called your benche againste your
supplyant and one william glouer your supplyantes seruant
in and aboute the premisses for and concerninge the holdinge and occupynge thereof,
And to geve some colour of title to them selues and for further pretence of their
said vnlawfull Entryes do pretend and haue geven owte speaches as your supplyant is
enformed That the said Iohn napton by one wrytinge or Indenture bearinge date longe
tyme before the said conveyaunce and assignemente made to the said morgan Pope did
convey and assigne the same to them the said Iohn Digges and Iohn Gape,
Whereas your oratour ys well able to proue that there was no such conveyaunce or
assignement vnto them made, or yf that there were that yet the same was made vppon
vnlawfull and corrupte cheuisance and for excessyve vsury and so frustrate and voide
in lawe or vpon some fraude or
covyn either antedated or otherwise craftely for to deceyve and defraude the said
Morgan Pope Whose assignee your supplyant ys, And yet neuerthelesse yf your
supplyant should wyne in issue with them and come to tryall thereof att the
Common Lawe with such speede as by the stricte Course thereof hee should be
compelled your said oratour for wante of the said wrytinges and
conveyaunces and for Lacke of thexamynacions of such wytnesses and proufe
as were and bynne nedefull to proue serche and examyne to thende to beate and trye
owte the truth & necessary Circumstances of the said vnlawfull and
corrupte cheuisaunce vsury fraud covyn crafte and deceipte should hardly be able to
disproue or gayne saie their said vnlawfull and pretensed title and so mighte
indaunger your supplyantes iuste title & right In
Consideracion whereof and forasmuche as they the said Iohn
Digges and Iohn Gape haue and doo prosente the same their suite
with suche extraordynary speede that your supplyant without your
highnes moste gracyous and fauourable ayde shall nott be able in such shorte space
to gett such wytnesses and prouffes as were requisite for the disprovinge of their
said pretences and in deede can haue no testymony so good to proue the said
vnlawfull corrupte cheuisance and vsury fraude covyn Crafte & decepte as the
deposicions of the said digges and Gape which your
oratour hopeth the will manifest vpon their corporall othes yf nott in respecte of
their conscyences yet for feare to incurr the daunger of your highnes good and hole
some Lawes in such<.....> made and prouided
May ytt therefore and in respecte of your supplyantes beinge your
maiestes ordinary seruantes, and that the same
premysses be imployed to and for your maiestes seruice
please your moste excellente maieste of your accustomed clemencye to
vouchsafe to graunte vnto your said supplyant and seruant nott only your
highnes moste gracyous wrytte of preuy seale to be directed vnto the saide Iohn
Digges and Iohn Gape and either of them Commaundinge them and either of them by
vertue thereof att a certen daie and vnder a certen paine therin to be Lymited to be
and personally to appeare before your maiestie in your highnes
Courte of requestes then and there to aunswere to the premisses
Butt also your said maiestes wrytt of Iniunction
to be awarded owte of your highnes said Courte to be directed vnto the saide Iohn
Digges and Iohn Gape and either of them thereby Commaundinge and
Innioyninge them and either of them and their Counsellours Attorneys
Sollicytours Assignees and factors and euery of them vnder a lyke paine
nott p to proceede any further in the said suite by them already
Attempted or any other accion or suite what soeuer for or concerninge the
same by or att the Common Lawes of this your highnes Realme, or to make any
further entrye or otherwise to intermeddle with or disturbe your
said oratours possession of the same premysses vntill vpon the hearinge of
the same cause before your maiestie or the in the said Courte or
the masters & Councell of the same Courte further order shalbe therin taken, And
your maiestes said supplyant accordinge to his bounden
Duty shall daily praie vnto god for your moste excellente
maiestes longe and prosperous raigne ouer vs/
(signed) Pagytt
Record title: Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John
Shelfmark: REQ 2/177/35
Repository location: Kew
In this case of 1584, Edward Bowes launched a countersuit against John Digges and John Gape in the court of Requests regarding who was the rightful lessee of the Bear Garden on the Barge, Bell and Cock property. Edward Wistowe, after leasing the property from William Payne in 1572–3, had in 1578 assigned it to grocer John Napton. Napton, in serious financial difficulties, in March 1578-9 assigned it to his creditors Digges and Gape, and then in December 1579 to another creditor, the goldsmith Morgan Pope. Pope and Edward Bowes (a brother of Ralph Bowes, then Master of Bears) and William Glover began games there. Digges and Gape then brought suits against Bowes and Glover, possibly initially in the Southwark Assizes and in the King's Bench. From there the case was taken to the court of Requests. It seems the court's decision was in favour of Pope and Bowes, or there was a settlement, as between 1585–90 Pope retained control of the Bear Garden.
See also Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham to the Lords of the Privy Council, and Court of Requests: Order in the case of Bowes v. Digges and Gape.
Not much is known of Digges and Gape. John Digges seems likely to have been the illegitimate son of Edmund Tilney (1536–1610), master of the Revels, 1579–1610. He was a merchant taylor and an employee of the Revels Office from 1579 until 1585, though somewhat dodgy in character; see further William Streitberger, The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I's Court Theatre (Oxford, 2016), 148–9.
1584; English and Latin; 8 items;
unnumbered; tied with string at the top left corner:
Item 1: 26
June 1584; paper; 17 leaves, written on one side only; approximately
345mm x 265mm, except for f [14] a torn fragment 272mm x 185mm;
unnumbered; some fraying to edges; no decoration; no endorsement.
Depositions on behalf of Edward Bowes, each leaf signed at the foot by
the deponent in question or on his behalf.
Item 2: undated;
parchment; single membrane, written one side only; 575mm x 575mm; good
condition; no endorsement. Interrogatories on behalf of Edward Bowes.
Item 3: 22 June 1584; paper; 345mm x 255m; 8 leaves; written on
one side only; unnumbered; good condition; no decoration; paper tie in
top left corner. Depositions on behalf of John Digges and John Gape,
each leaf signed by deponent or on his behalf.
Item 4: undated;
parchment; single membrane; 400mm x 285mm; hole (40mm x 50mm) at the
foot but no loss of text; no decoration; no endorsement. Interrogatories
on the behalf of John Digges and John Gape.
Item 5: 20 June 1584;
parchment; single membrane; 128mm x 435mm; good condition; no
decoration; no endorsement. Rejoinder of John Digges and John Gape.
Item 6: 6 May 1584; vellum; single membrane; 330mm x 450mm; good
condition; no decoration; no endorsement. Replication of Edward Bowes.
Item 7: 11 February 1583/4; vellum; single membrane; 340mm x 485mm
(text area: 250mm x 455mm); no decoration; good condition; no
endorsement. Answer of John Digges and John Gape.
Item 8: 30
January 1583/4; parchment; single membrane; 360mm x 600mm; no
decoration; generally good condition, 2 small holes but no loss of text;
endorsed: 'Edwardus Bowes Esq versus Iohannem
Gape et | Iohannem Digges defendentes,' left
hand side: 'xxxo die Ianuarij Anno |
Regni Regine Elizabethe Etc xxvito | fuit Breve de Privato
Sigillo directum parti
defendentis ad | comparendum
Immediate sub pena C li. Etc | Vocetur
per municionem,' followed by signatures,
'Thomas Se<..>on' and the
second illegible. Bill of Complaint.