Berkshire, Reading, 1503–4
BRO: D/P 97/5/2

p 14 (25 March–25 March) (Receipts)


Also receyued of the wymmen at hoktyde xx s. iiij d.
Item receyued of the men at hoktyde vj s. iiij d.
Item receyued of the maydens at the same tyme iiij s. vij d. ob.


Item receyued of the gaderyng of Robyn hod & busshelles malt price v s.
Item receyued of the gaderyng of the same Robyn hod j bushel of whete price xij d.
Item receyued of the gadering of the seid Robyn hod in mony xlix s.


pp 16–17 (Expenses)


Item payed to an harper on the church holy day iiij d.
Item payed for bred & ale to Robyn hod & hys company þe same day iiij d.
Item payed for a cote to Robyn hod v s. iiij d.
Item payed for lyvereys xij d.
Item payed to a Taberer on Philips day & Iacob for his wages mete & drynk & bed viij d.
Item for mete & drynk to Robyn hod & his company xvj d.
Item for mete & drynk at hoktyde to the wyvis soper xviij d.
Item for mete & drynk þe same tyme to þe bachelers soper xij d.


Item payed for fellyng & bryngyng home of the bow ‸⸢set⸣ in þe mercat place . for settyng vp of þe same . mete & drynk viij d. |
Item payed to Thomas Taberrer for his labur in grete for fortnyȝt iij s. iiij d.
Item for bed & borde to þe same Thomas by the meane tyme ij s. iiij d.


  • Footnotes
    • hoktyde: 24–5 April 1503
    • Philips day & Iacob: 1 May
  • Glossed Terms
    • bough n branch, here likely a branch used to construct a bower for a king play; bogh; boughe; bow; see also king
    • gatheryng vb n collection, here used to refer specifically to the act of collecting money for the parish; gaderyng gathering; gatheringe; gatherynge;
    • grete adj in phr in grete in total [OEDO great adj P2.b.(a)]; of greate of the sum total (?)
    • lyverey n livery, here a badge used as proof of payment for entry to a fair; lever; liuerrei; lyueray; lyuerei; lyuerey; lyvere; lyverie; lyverye
  • Endnote

    The church holy day was probably the dedication day. Kerry suggests that the dedication of the original church (destroyed when the abbey was built in 1121) was St Matthew (Municipal Church of St Lawrence, pp 4–5). If the original patronal day was kept, the date would be the feast of St Matthew, 21 September. The feast of St Laurence is 10 August. The dedication day was a favourite time for parish festivities in the early sixteenth century (see, for example, 1512–13 and 1513–14).

  • Document Description

    Record title: St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts
    Repository: BRO
    Shelfmark: D/P 97/5/2
    Repository location: Reading

    The churchwardens rendered their accounts on the feast of the Annunciation (25 March) until 1516 when they adopted the Michaelmas–Michaelmas pattern rendering their accounts on 29 September.

    1498–1626; English; paper; 250 leaves; 330mm x 225mm; modern pagination; some display capitals; pp 1–2, 490–3 are separated but have been repaired and put separately in a brown paper wrapper; bound in boards covered in parchment, title on front cover: 'The Book of the | Church-Wardens Accounts | of the Parish | of | St Laurence.'

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