Berkshire, Thatcham, 1577–8
BRO: D/P 130/5/1A

f 33 (15 April–6 April) (Receipts)


Item at Whetesonetyde iij li. iiij s. iij d.



Itam payde for morres cotes for levies & for fetheres ij s. ij d.
Itam ij dossen of beles vij d.


  • Footnotes
    • Whetesonetyde: 26–8 May 1577
    • levies: for leveries (?)
  • Glossed Terms
    • alle n ale; aylle; hayle
    • bele n bell, here to be tied around a Morris dancer’s knees; bel
    • whetesonetyde n Whitsuntide; whisontide; wyssontyde
  • Endnote

    On f 31 is a cancelled note for this year, 'Resevid at Witsontide at the chvrche alle ⸢fovre⸣ marke of clare gaynes iiij s. i d.'

  • Document Description

    Record title: St Mary's Churchwardens' Accounts
    Repository: BRO
    Shelfmark: D/P 130/5/1A
    Repository location: Reading

    This book also contains the accounts of the almshouse. The accounts were rendered on Low Sunday.

    1561–1633; English; paper; iii + 170 + ii; 302mm x 190mm; modern foliation; gatherings irregular, badly damaged by damp; bound in cardboard covered with parchment and paper stained to look like parchment, 2 dark brown leather patches on spine, title on paper sticker on front cover: 'No 1 Per In | ventory of | Sundries | Churchwardens | account Book | from 1561 to 1633.'

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