BRO: D/P 23/5/1

f 1v (24 June)

An Inuentory of the Churchgoodes remayning the 24th of Iune Anno .1602.


Item 4 sheetes of lead 5 garters of bels 4 morrice coates

f 4


A note of the money layd out by them out of the gayne of their Whitsonale


Item payd for five garters of bells being xxtye dosen xx s.
  • Footnotes
  • Glossed Terms
    • bele n bell, here to be tied around a Morris dancer’s knees; bel
  • Document Description

    Record title: St Michael's Churchwardens' Accounts
    Repository: BRO
    Shelfmark: D/P 23/5/1
    Repository location: Reading

    This account book is haphazardly kept. No accounting years are given.

    1602–1707; English; paper and parchment; i + 206 + 2 loose leaves; 300mm x 195mm; modern foliation; worm holes penetrate throughout MS; bound in tooled leather badly frayed at edges, no title.

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