f [2v] (29 September–29 September)
Item paid to the Kinges players | xj s. |
Item geven the Queenes players November ijo | xxij s. |
Item geven the Prynces players 3o November | xxij s. |
The MS has simply 'No ijo' in the second item and '3o No ' in the third. It seems reasonable to expand them as we have done, although the notation is unusual. We have deduced the expansion from a similar use of a superlineated 'o' in the accounts for 1619–20.
Record title: Chamberlains' Accounts
Shelfmark: R/FA3/4
Repository location: Reading
The accounting year is Michaelmas to Michaelmas.
1618–19; English; paper; bifolium; 415mm x 145mm; no foliation or pagination; repaired; kept in a cardboard folder.